The best exercises for morning muffle

Squat - tightens legs and buttocks

Lucy Lässig is just starting:

I stand in a slight squat, legs hip-wide open, knees above the metatarsus, toes point outward. The arms stretch backwards long, the palms face inwards. The upper body is long and tilted forward from the hip, the lower abdomen taut. Now I push my feet into the ground, stretch both legs and hips at the same time and lift the chest and arms upwards. The shoulders stay down. Then I go back to the starting position. I do that 25 times.

Conny Coach is already pretty fit:

As an advanced I stand in the same starting position as Lucy, also stretched forward up, but I tilt to the right at the highest point, go back to the starting position and leaning to the left next time. I do that 25 times.

That's how it works: This exercise for morning muffle activates the circulation, strengthens the leg and pom-muscles, stretches the flanks - then you feel much more awake as a morning muffle.

Knew how: Important is a three-point load on the feet: The weight is distributed over the heel center, large and small toe bale.

Reverse V - good for the back

Lucy Lässig is just starting:

From the deep squat, I put my hands wide open shoulder-wide, fingers pointing forward. The knees are bent, the ball of the foot set up. Now I push my hands into the floor, push the buttocks back upwards and stretch the spine as far as possible. At the same time I stretch my legs and lower my heels to the ground. Then I bend my knees again. I do that 25 times.

Conny Coach is already pretty fit:

As an advanced, I stretch my legs like Conny, hold the position and lead both legs backwards in the extension of the upper body and back again. Then I bend my legs and start over. I do that 25 times.

That's how it works: Strengthens arms and shoulder girdle, stretches the thoracic spine, stretches the backs of the legs.

Knew how: The best way to practice barefoot on a non-slip surface, which facilitates the stretching movement.

Butterfly - strengthens the back

Lucy Lässig is just starting:

I stand in a slight squat, the upper body is long and tilted forward from the hip. I bring the arms at shoulder height in U position, the palms face inwards. Now I move my arms down until my wrists and forearms are almost touching and bring them back to their starting position. I pull the shoulder blades in the direction of the spine. I do that 25 times.

Conny Coach is already pretty fit:

As an advanced I make the movement like Lucy, but turn the chest in the starting position alternately to the right and left and then lower the arms. Knees and pelvis remain stable. I do that 25 times.

That's how it works: Strengthens dorsal and shoulder girdle muscles, stretching the rib cage.

Knew how: The feet are in the three-point load, the chest is raised, the lower abdomen tense.

Vierfüssler - strengthens belly and back

Lucy Lässig is just starting:

I go to the quadruped stand, hands under the shoulders, knees under the hips. The upper body is long, the lower abdomen tense. Now I push my hands and balls of my foot into the ground, lift both knees three inches and move them up and down in the air a centimeter. The spine remains in its double S-shape, ie without a rounded back and a hollow back. I do that 25 times.

Conny Coach is already pretty fit:

As an advanced I go into the position as Lucy with knees raised and move them in the air laterally alternately to the right and left. I do that 25 times.

That's how it works: Strengthens the deep abdominal and back muscles.

Knew how: Pelvic and shoulder girdle remain as stable as possible and do not move, the head is in extension of the spine.

Glider pilot - tightens the legs

Lucy Lässig is just starting:

I stand in a wide stirrup, legs stretched, toes out. Now I make myself long, spread the arms at shoulder level, lean to the left and embrace with my left hand lower leg or ankle. I stretch the thoracic spine, turn the upper body and look up to the right hand. Then I sit up and make the movement to the other side. I do that every page 12 times.

Conny Coach is already pretty fit:

As an advanced I lean to the right and get into the final position like Lucy. But then I also place the left hand on the right lower leg and stretch the right arm up to the ceiling. In reverse order, I come back to the starting position.I do that 12 times.

That's how it works: Strengthens and stretches the legs, stimulates breathing and vitalises.

Knew how: The feet stay firmly on the ground. The thoracic spine remains as stretched as possible.

The Quiet At-Home Workout That Crushes Calories (May 2024).

Morning muffle, coffee cup, lower abdomen, morning muffle, exercises