Swollen hands in pregnancy? What helps?

Water retention in the hands, legs and feet is not uncommon in pregnancy. Especially in the last trimester swollen hands and feet heaped up. This is uncomfortable, but no need to worry. With some simple activities You can easily swollen hands in pregnancy counteract.  

Swollen hands during pregnancy: How do water retention occur?

Not only does your blood volume increase during pregnancy, so does the amount of water in your body. This is mainly because yours Blood vessels more elastic and permeable become. The fluid contained in the blood passes more easily into the adjacent tissue and water retention, also called edema arise. At the same time yours works Calf muscle pumpthat pumps your blood back up from below, not quite as active during pregnancy. The result: The blood flows more slowly through the blood vessels and more fluid can flow more into the surrounding tissue. Especially on warm days, after a long time standing or sitting swelling of the legs and hands are often noticeable.

Until the birth of your baby, the stored water in your body can even four to six kilograms account. But do not worry, one to two days after delivery, the water is whole again disappeared by itself. 

You can do that against swollen hands in pregnancy

1. Healthy food: Pay attention to your diet during pregnancy and eat well and healthy.

2nd salt:In the past, pregnant women with water retention were advised to abstain from salt if possible. This view is now obsolete. So you can continue to eat and season as normal.

3. Water against water: Sounds weird, but by drinking a lot, less water gets in your body. You should take at least two liters of water a day!

4. Stay fit!Whether walking, walking, swimming or cycling? Exercise is good for you!

5. Become a left sleeper: Try to sleep on the left side at night. This relieves the vena cava from the pressure of the uterus and promotes blood flow.

6. High hands: Always keep your hands at heart level. On the other hand, if you let your hands hang, more water collects there.

7. Rest from: Bed rest is usually sufficient to reduce the edema. So make yourself comfortable!

8. Warm-cold-warm-cold: Changing showers and brush massages stimulate blood circulation. This not only promotes fluid transport in your body but also helps with circulatory problems during pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Dehydrators are taboo to prevent swollen hands in pregnancy. This also applies to herbal remedies such as nettle tea.

Swollen hands during pregnancy: When to go to the doctor?

Are your hands, legs or even your face especially swollen, Seek your doctor immediately or contact your midwife! Even if severe pain occurs, do not hesitate for long, but check out once, Because water retention in connection with pain can lead to clues Gestosis or prekclampsia his ? serious pregnancy illnesses that need urgent treatment.

Otherwise, swollen hands during pregnancy are unpleasant, but in most cases harmless.

You want to know what is going on in your current pregnancy week? Everything important around the weeks of pregnancy we have put together for you. And if you want to chat with other mums in the near future, have a look at our great ChroniquesDuVasteMonde community.

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Pregnancy swelling (edema) (May 2024).

Pregnancy, water retention