Splish Splash ? The most beautiful outdoor swimming dramas

No sooner is it hot in Germany, we are looking for opportunities to jump in the cool water. If you do not have natural water in the area, or you want to splash under supervision or if you are looking for some fun, then head to the outdoor pool. Has one finally risen up and all seven things together? the bag is so full, how do you travel a whole weekend? first comes the snake at the entrance. Waiting. Corrosive. The sun is moving and the shadows are getting longer. Once you are finally through the turnstile, first a free place must be found. Not too much on the presentation plate, but not too far away either. Sun would be nice, some shade but also. The toilets should not be that far either. Changing rooms? We do not need ? goes so. Of course, then begins the fight with towel, pants, butt and the own shame. OK done. Someone is hungry and waiting, waiting. Please no bee sting now. Swim? No, too full of fries and ice cream. At some point you make it into the water? this mixture of pee, suntan, sweat and other indefinable things. Class. Sounds like a lot of fun. Over the top?

Outdoor drama in the middle of life

"I always find this complicated changing clothes a bit exhausting. The people I do not know should think what they want. But there are people who do not necessarily have to watch me cramp the towel and meanwhile gallantly peel myself like a walrus out of shore on a wet shape swimsuit. For example, my 10 years younger brother in law. I was relieved when my sister reassured me that he could not see anything without glasses. "Look, he sees nothing !? So, relaxed, I pulled off my walrus number next to him and even lost my towel. What the hell. "Luckily, you do not have your glasses on?" I laughed, swinging my towel around. "But you already know that I wear contact lenses, right? was his answer. Oh well. At least now he can mentally prepare himself for how my little sister will look like when she has two children and ten more years under her belt. "
ChroniquesDuVasteMonde, 36

"It was in Hungary holiday with the parents at Lake Balaton. One of my best memories is that I was always allowed to order lunch in the Seelokal, which I wanted? was a holiday and in Hungary cost of eating at that time almost nothing. With 12, you are still resting on such offers: Pommes with fried cauliflower and Hollandaise sauce regularly landed on my plate. In blazing sun at 40 degrees. Unfortunately, I was not one of those kids who "just" put away such food? On the contrary, I was equipped with a good dose of baby fat, you know what's coming: children can be very mean, because that's what summer was when I was not I dared to rush through the waterslide into the Lake Balaton, which is why I stopped repeatedly with my feet. "FETTI, YOU'RE STOPPING THE SLIDE !?" called the slim, beautiful boy behind me, so that everyone on the lawn could really hear it. There can not be anything more painful for prepubesers? "
Karola, 37

"Outdoor pool and me? We will never become friends. How so? Oh, where should I start? Because I do not feel like running through these pools, where 253 people with athlete's foot have probably washed off their mauves. Because I find the idea of ​​swimming in the kids pee-water just not great. Because pubescent boys who want to impress pubescent girls with ass bombs from the edge of their pelvis are really annoying. Because I do not feel like looking every 5 minutes for my valuables. Because you always get those red, burning eyes through the chlorine water. Because in the showers everywhere stick long, brown hair. I could go on indefinitely now. But I do not. I think the point is clear. "
Greta, 42

"If I had no child, I would not go to the pool. The whole people, the stinking chlorine water and somebody always hurts. Luckily there are now these electronic stitch healers for bee stings, but there are also other injuries. And not only with the children. Once, my husband wanted to be especially funny and beckon our son and me underwater through a glass. We stood in an underpass, he dived, a slide above him. I just said, "Watch out when you get up, that's close to the slide." He just shrugged and dived, trying to stay down as long as possible. Then he shot out of the water and slammed against the slide. I had to help him out of the pool, he was so dizzy. In First Aid room, they then said that he had a hole in his head. Since then I have less desire for the outdoor pool. After all, our son now knows that sometimes listening to mom is good too. "
Renate, 47

Pool Surprise with Maleficent! (May 2024).

Outdoor pool, funny