She was molested in the bus - what the driver did is just incredible!

"Where is this bus going?" the man asked very hypocritically. When Nathalie answered him and said on demand that she was going to a date, he then showed his true face: "Do you prefer to come with me, what to drink?"

An everyday treat, as many women just annoying. But it will be much worse! Because Nathalie's polite, but definite answer ("No, thank you!"), The man reacted unbelievably brash: "Do not be so rude," said the stranger, began to take the step and massage.

An incident that is simply unbelievable - and unfortunately too commonplace. That's why Nathalie Gordon has reported on Twitter in detail how the attack happened. And: it got worse!

Let me tell you a story about why you will never understand what it's like to be female.

? Nathalie Gordon (@awlilnatty) May 4, 2017

Because Nathalie decided in the situation to get help from the bus driver. So she went to the front and said that she is being molested and a man is masturbating in front of her. The incredible answer of the driver: you should just sit down somewhere else! Are you crazy?!

Nathalie, however, did not let herself be easily wiped off and did not let up. She wanted to get the bus driver to intervene. So she insisted again, demanding that he call the police. And the driver? Gave her the most incredible answer he could give: "You're just a pretty girl, what did you expect?"

In that moment I instantly became worried. Again I am polite and say 'no thank you'. I go to put my earphones back in.

? Nathalie Gordon (@awlilnatty) May 4, 2017

A reaction that just makes you speechless and helpless. And: A bad example of the everyday sexism we still encounter. Also in 2017, also in the middle of Europe.

But Nathalie Gordon did not let up after the ride. She then informed the responsible for the buses local traffic police - here their concern was finally taken seriously. The investigation against the intrusive man run!

What I expect is good to be on our side, to support us, to listen, to care, to stand up for us when we can not and to educate others.

? Nathalie Gordon (@awlilnatty) May 4, 2017

Also read

#PinkFirst: Show your colors for women's rights!

Video Recommendation:

Unbelievable verbal abuse of a bus driver on a young woman - Daily Mail (May 2024).

England, Police, Twitter