Scientifically proven: This song makes babies happy!

Music can awaken great feelings in us. This is true even for the youngest. It is not for nothing that we run music boxes for our babies, sing hibernation songs or counting rhymes.

But what music really makes babies happy? This question was answered by a group of scientists commissioned by the British food group Cow & Gate.

Caspar Addyman, a child development and music psychologist Lauren Stewart, teamed up with singer Imogen Heap.

Their findings: To please babies, a song has to be one simple melody always have repeated, At the same time he has to dynamic so that the baby stays with it and is always surprised.

In addition, the should Rhythm to the heartbeat of the baby which is slightly faster than that of an adult. Ideally, the song will be from a Mrs sung - and at admission, a baby should be present. Because the Presence of a baby Change the voice of a woman, which is very well perceived by other babies.

All this, the experts tried to implement - and out came the "Happy Song". We have not tried it on babies, but it's supposed to work very well. Maybe it pays off to compose a German version of it.

However, we have a guess: The song could hear the parents after the tenth time neatly go to the pointer ...

Also read

Nice and funny rhymes for toddlers

The Happy Song (April 2024).
