Pregnancy week 35 (SSW 35): Bladder weakness?

This is how the baby develops in the 35th week of pregnancy

In the 35th week of pregnancy your baby is about 46 cm tall and weighs about 2550 grams. If it was born now, it would be a so-called "late preemie". Normally, there are no more health problems, because your baby's immune system works independently. However, it is still extremely sensitive and forms important antibodies only in the first weeks of life? For example, breastmilk helps.

Babies digestion works

In the 35th week of gestation, the kidneys are fully developed, the liver is already working. The intestine is already deposited in the so-called Kindspech (meconium), a dark, viscous mass of skin and mucous membrane cells, swallowed hair, cheese grease and thickened bile. It is excreted as the first bowel movement after birth? So do not be scared when the first filling of the diaper appears almost black?

Pregnancy calendar: This happens in the 35th week of pregnancy (3rd trimester) with your body

All signs are on final spurt. You can now enjoy the last weeks in maternity protection. A cafe visit with the girlfriend, a pedicure appointment, a book in the morning sun read? If you feel fit you can take ours checklist make baby clothes for the first time: Is everything there? Also, what you can do well after the birth, you can now get slowly. If you want to breastfeed, shirts to unbutton are great, even a large scarf that you can lay outside while breastfeeding over the neckline. And since, according to experience, the favorite jeans do not fit again even weeks after birth, comfortable trousers and leggings are great in order to counter the pressure of the figure quite relaxed.

Bladder weakness? No reason to be ashamed!

Many pregnant women are like this: When the child's weight presses on the bladder, not only the toilets toil. It can also happen at the Sneezing, laughing or, with special movements, releasing a few droplets of urine, The pelvic floor can normally hold the bladder safely, but it is quite stressed during pregnancy and the connective tissue is softer overall. In the short term, beating your legs or tensing your pelvic floor will help. Anyone who is unsure now wears panty liners or incontinence bandages to feel safer. Do without perfumed panty liners? they can interfere with the even more sensitive climate of vaginal flora during pregnancy.

Our tips against incontinence in pregnancy:

  • Briefly interrupt the urine stream when using the toilet. Namely, both the sphincter of the urethra and the pelvic floor muscles are used.
  • Dry exercises in between: Tighten, hold briefly, relax? like several times a day.
  • Climbing stairs (even if it's already hard) trains the pelvic floor.
  • Pelvic floor exercise with light exercises? we'll reveal the best in our 22nd SSW article.

Small consolation: Bladder weakness regulates itself within the first few weeks after birth. Mostly she gets better after the recovery gymnastics.

Breathless in the 35th SSW?

No wonder, because the abdominal space is tight, and the heart has a lot to do - 5.5 liters of blood must pump it through the body. Therefore, many pregnant women realize that the heartbeat is often quite strong, they suffer from circulatory problems and become short of breath.

Are these sinking?

You have already until the 35th week of pregnancy different types of labor - and maybe not even noticed. There were pre-labor or exercise labor, which also Braxton Hicks contractions to be named. They usually appear as early as the sixth month of pregnancy. These weeks of pregnancy are becoming more common Senkwehen, they make sure that Baby's head slowly turns into the pelvis and takes the birth position.

How do you notice the sinking? They can feel a bit like menstrual pain, the stomach gets hard, contracts a little and sometimes back pain also comes along.

How do you notice the difference to proper labor?

Are they real? opening labor, the draws Uterus in continuous intervals together. The distances are getting shorter each time. The first about with a break of ten minutes, then about two minutes or even shorter. Each of these woes is very intense, reaches a climax and then weakens again. The intensity of later labor is so strong that you can distinguish it from the prostration in any case. Talk to your midwife or gynecologist when the time is right to go to the hospital.

Pastime meets nest shoot

Do you feel the nest build and want to prepare something for your baby? We have pretty DIY ideas: for example, a cute mobile to make yourself. Do you like knitting? We have great free tutorials for you: Baby clothes for knitting. We'll also tell you how to sew a baby blanket.

Foetal Development: Unborn Baby Movement at 24 Weeks | WIRED (May 2024).

Pregnancy week, bladder weakness, bladder, due date, pregnancy, high-pregnant