Pilates: Losing weight for the summer figure

Tension guaranteed!

Juliana Afram

Good news: It will not be long before the first day of summer dress. You are not ready yet? Then only one thing helps: more effective training. Try Pilates!

Our 20-minute workout for the whole body strengthens the deep muscles and thus the middle of the body. The exercises stabilize the spine, harmonize breathing and movements and improve posture.

And you will see the new fitness: because Pilates forms lean, supple muscles. All of this succeeds in a short time - if you observe a few rules of the game.

  • Train 2, better 3 times a week.
  • Find a place where you can be undisturbed and concentrate on the exercises. You only need a gymnastics mat.
  • Start with a ten-minute cardio interval workout for endurance. In the short phases of the effort, try to really push to the limit. In the recovery phase, the pulse rate should lower again. The ratio between stress and recovery should be 1: 3, ie z. For example, 15 seconds of full load and then 45 seconds of recovery.
  • Always pay attention to the quality of the movements during the individual Pilates exercises. Central to Pilates is the so-called Powerhouse (see box): This muscle area is always tense during the exercises.
  • At the beginning, take short breaks after each exercise.
  • Repeat the exercises 10 to 15 times each.

Juliana Afram has been working with Pilates for over ten years. The sports manager and personal trainer belongs to the Studio 1880 in Hamburg, as well as she heads the Power Pilates Institute in Germany.

On the next page: The Powerhouse - important for a flat stomach

Videos: Pilates workout

The big ChroniquesDuVasteMonde video series for a flat stomach and a strong back.

Never without: The Powerhouse

Powerhouse is called Pilates the central deep muscles in the stomach and pelvis. This power center, which supports the spine, is consciously tensed before each exercise. Before starting the workout, practice tensing the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles:

Put your hands on your stomach and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Imagine widening the ribcage like a balloon. As you exhale, you release the air. As you breathe, your abdominal wall moves against your hands, and as you exhale, you consciously pull the navel in and out. Imagine a zipper that runs from the pubis to the chest. The next time you exhale, tense the pelvic floor and mentally close the imaginary zipper on your stomach. When inhaling, release the tension again.

To start: cardio training

First, run for 5 minutes on the spot. Then comes a bit of interval training: pull your knees to chest as fast as you can. After 15 seconds, go straight for 45 seconds into the jumping jack. Repeat this at first 5 times, then 8 to 10 times.

1. Footwork

How it works: Exercises abdominal and internal thigh muscles, stabilizes pelvis and spine.

That's how it's done: You start in the supine position. The hands are at the back of the head. Lift the head and upper body up to and including the scapula tips. Legs angled, the thighs are vertical and form a right angle with the lower legs. The heels are closed and knees open shoulder width. The powerhouse is tense (left). Inhale to prepare, with exhalation stretch your legs forward at a 45-degree angle (right). The heels stay together. When inhaling, bend your legs again. 10 to 15 times.

Important: If you feel the exercise in the back, stretch your legs straight up.

2. Pulling Straps & T-Position

How it works: With this exercise you strengthen the entire body back.

That's how it's done: Lie on your stomach, your legs are closed. Put your hands under your shoulder. The powerhouse is tense. Lift the upper body off the mat. Extend your arms forward along the ears (above), then pull your elbows close to your body and bring your hands up to pelvic level. If you have repeated this exercise ten to fifteen times, open your arms sideways at shoulder height to the T position (below). Begin the movement by pulling the scapula tips to the buttocks. Then bring the outstretched arms over the buttocks and pulsate with the arms up 3 times, with the palms facing each other.

Important: Lightly press the footrest into the mat and tense the thighs. If the exercise is uncomfortable in the lower back, open the legs hip-width.

3. Teaser Preparation

How it works: This exercise trains the abdominals and improves the mobility of the spine.

That's how it's done: Lie on your back and put your legs up. The knees are closed and the arms are next to the body. Stretch one leg forward at the top. The knees remain at a height (above). Lift head and arms off the mat. Roll into the seat, swirl after swirl. Pull your fingertips to your knees, shin, and toward your big toe. Raise the sternum, the arms are now parallel to the outstretched leg (below). Then you roll back into the mat in a controlled manner, whirl after whirlwind.

Important: If you can not make it to the seat, that's not bad. Then just roll up to the scapula tips. Make sure that you perform the exercise without momentum, so protect your back. Keep the respiratory flow. Every page 3 times.

4th Short Box Series

How it works: This series of exercises stabilizes the pelvis and forms the waist.

That's how it's done: Sit upright, legs open hip-width, heels up. For the round-back position (left), place your arms around your waist and fold over with your upper body. Inhale, tilt the pelvis, and roll back vertebra after vertebra until the scapula tips touch the mat. Exhale, deepen the powerhouse and roll up vortices again and again. For the straight back position (middle), sit upright and stretch your arms upwards. Tighten the buttocks and lean back slightly with your back straight. Come back to the upright position. Imagine that your spine is a straight rod. Keep your legs tense. For the twist position (right), sit in the upright position, arms outstretched. Inhale, pull the spine long, turn the upper body to one side while exhaling, keeping the pelvis straight. Then back to the middle, paging. Every exercise 4 times.

Important: If sitting upright with legs outstretched is tiring, sit on a pillow.

5. Long Stretch Series

How it works: These exercises strengthen the muscles of the entire body. Practice each position individually, then put everything together

That's how it's done: Start with the Long Stretch (top left), the long support position. The hands are under the shoulders, the heels over the toes. Turn your elbows to each other. Breathe in. From here we continue into the deep push-up position (top right). Bend your elbows and keep close to your waist. The body forms a long line from crown to heel. Exhale. For the down stretch (lower left), lower the knees to the mat, the foot rest now lies on the mat, and with the upper body along the mat forward through the arms. Erect upper body. The arms are stretched now. The gaze is directed forward, the navel pulls inwards and upwards, and the buttocks are slightly tense. Breathe in. Then bring your chin towards sternum and put your toes on. Lift the buttocks and stretch into an inverted V for the Up Stretch (bottom right). You put your heels on the mat, the powerhouse remains tense. The shoulder blades pull to the buttocks. Exhale. Start the next round again with the long stretch. 6 to 8 times.

Videos: Pilates workout

The big ChroniquesDuVasteMonde video series for a flat stomach and a strong back.

Tip: The complete Pilates program including three further exercises can be downloaded here as a pdf for free: Pilates: Slimming for the summer figure

Total Body Pilates! 20 Minute Tone & Shape, Legs, Butt, Abs, Beginners Home Workout, Flexib (May 2024).

Muscle, Hamburg, Germany, pilates, lose weight, figure