Monica Lewinsky: She actually thought of suicide

Openly, as rarely before, Monica Lewinsky (45) comments on her affair with former US President Bill Clinton (72) in a long TV interview with US broadcaster A & E. In the multi-part documentary series "The Clinton Affair," which airs on Sunday, gives the today's psychologist also deep insights into her state of mind, after her liaison with Clinton came to light. At that time, she even thought about killing herself.

"I remember," says Lewinsky emotionally, "I looked out the window and thought the only way to get it back is suicide." She also talks about her motives for entering into an affair with the president in the previously published passages. It was important for her that a man worshiped by other people worship her.

Even when all came to light, the then 22-year-old was still in love with the President: "I felt terrible, was scared, I was still in love with Bill at the time, I felt responsible." The whole thing was just wrong.

Monica Lewinsky reveals suicidal thoughts after affair (June 2024).

Monica Lewinsky, Bill Clinton