Lars Eidinger and Bjarne Mädel: That's how it was behind the scenes of the road movie comedy

The Berlin actor Lars Eidinger (42, "Mackie Messer - Brecht's Dreigroschenfilm") and his Hamburg colleague Bjarne Mädel (50, "Der Tatortreiniger") play two in the road movie comedy "25 km / h" (theatrical release: October 31) unequal brothers, top manager Christian and carpenter Georg. After the funeral of the father, the two decide to finally live their childhood dream and travel across the country with the ancient mopeds.

In the course of the film, they do not only chug through fascinating landscapes, the two struggle, dance, play table tennis and much more. What was the biggest challenge and what's up with the songs "Boys Do not Cry" (1984) and "Close To Me" (1985) of the British cult band The Cure, have Mädel and Eidinger in a double interview with the news agency spot on news explained.

They play two brothers who deal with their relationship. To what extent have you been able to draw on private experience?

Bjarne Mädel: I have no brother and therefore could not fall back on any experience.

Lars Eidinger: I have a brother four years older. We were together in the US and have already done this trip somehow.

What interests you about the brothers constellation?

Lars Eidinger: It is interesting that the brothers find each other again and that this is about a real affection. In addition, Bjarne and I did not even know each other before shooting. Over the period of shooting, however, we have developed a relationship that is very intimate, affectionate and loving. We also found each other about this movie.

What do you think of the basic idea of ​​the film, to live out a childhood dream much later?

Lars Eidinger: At a certain age, between the ages of 40 and 50, one starts to take stock and ask oneself: with which desires did you start as a child? How did you imagine your life? And what of what I promised myself of life has been fulfilled? I like the idea of ​​the movie that they say: Back then we always had the dream to drive mopeds through Germany, let's just do it now ...

You have a scuffle scene - did that hurt?

Bjarne Mädel: Fights or brawls in the film must always either be choreographed very carefully and rehearsed for weeks, or you risk something and spare yourself. We trusted each other, decided on the latter and just fought right. In drama school we had lessons with the same acrobatics teacher - Lars in Berlin, I in Potsdam. Since we have learned a few rules, how to pay attention to the other and still starts with full energy. We did not have to do it that often.

Lars Eidinger: Actually similar to your sex scene right?

Bjarne Mädel: Not quite. For the sex scenes Franka Potente and I had rehearsed for weeks and then it paid off ...

The quilting scene is completely surprising. What was the biggest challenge?

Lars Eidinger: I remember that it was raining almost continuously on this shooting day, so we could not actually shoot. Because you can not tell: Two guys quilt in the rain and everyone thinks it's great. We then used every short rain break. Maintaining a good mood in this situation, and not despairing, because you've been training for so long, and can not deliver so easily now, was actually the biggest challenge. Our fellow actors Alexandra Maria Lara and Franka Potente, who are present at these scenes, helped us a lot, because they saw us stepping for the first time and were thrilled.

They also play a lot of table tennis in the movie. What do you prefer?

Lars Eidinger: Both of us loved table tennis and were happy about it, we both struggled a bit more for the steppe. Nevertheless, the result made us happy, because it looks really great. But this synchronicity in the steppe has total charm. The effort was worth it.

Bjarne Mädel: Ping-pong was so much fun for me that I'm definitely going to keep it up - but not the steppe. Maybe you can read what I like more?

Lars Eidinger: And maybe you'll continue that with sex.

Bjarne Mädel: Yes, that's what I thought about, but I have not found the right coach yet ...

The film is accompanied, among others, by the "The Cure" songs "Boys Do not Cry" (1984) and "Close To Me" (1985). Why?

Bjarne Mädel: That has something to do with the memory of the 1980s. During this time, the characters we play were young, and that's just to bring back that sense of life back then.

Lars Eidinger: It is also interesting that you have to buy such songs for movies, while you can use them easily on TV. So it has been incredibly expensive, but I think director Markus Goller and screenwriter Oliver Ziegenbalg, who also produced the film, it was just important - and I'm personally very happy because I love The Cure. However, I also remember that Maren Ade wanted a Kate Bush song for our movie "All Others" (2009). But because only one song would have cost 80,000 euros, it was not feasible. It is about such orders of magnitude.

Bjarne Mädel: So, just to get the music rights back in, we need every single viewer.

25 KM/H Trailer German Deutsch (2018) (June 2024).

Lars Eidinger, Bjarne Mädel, table tennis, Germany, Berlin, Berliner, Hamburger, Franka Potente, USA, Lars Eidinger and Bjarne Mädel, 25 km h, Lars Eidinger, Bjarne Mädel, road movie