Highlights: So different women look at orgasm!

The biggest problem: finding women who participate

The renowned Lithuanian photographer Albert Pocej lives in Monaco. One night he dreamed that he photographs women during orgasm. In the morning, it was clear to him: "I woke up and I knew I had to do it."

So Pocej started a photo project to capture the female orgasm in the picture. The experiment became his "personal challenge" as he writes on "Bored Panda".

The biggest challenge was to find models who wanted to get involved. To do this, he wrote down all the people he knew. The most frequent answer he read: "I do not dare." Many did not answer back.

Some broke off the shoot

Finally, he had 20 women together who wanted to try to get to the climax in front of the camera. However, a few models broke off the photo shoot when they learned that they should not play their orgasm, but really should experience. Others could not relax enough to come. In the end, at least 15 women remained.

For some models, Pocej used time-lapse photography: allowed him to move away from the shoot while his camera took serial photos? so the women could relax better. Others had no problem with his presence. He photographed it manually.

"I did not want to show any clichés"

The most important thing for Pocej was authenticity: "I did not want stereotypes, I did not want acting. just the real feeling as it is. Everyone is different and so are the orgasms. I did not try to do it better than it is in real life. I wanted to make the people who are watching the photos think. And clichés do not make people think.?

Nevertheless, his black and white photos are highly staged, so that the feeling of authenticity in the viewer remains something on the track. Nice to look at the pictures anyway.

More photos and information about Albert Poej at pocej.com and on Facebook.


4 Of Realistic Woman Orgasm Scenes Ever Filmed - Funny Movie Scene Video Clips (July 2024).

Orgasm, photo project, camera, monaco