"A world trip with baby is a huge win!"

Since summer 2016, Olaf, Josi and Lola Bernstein are on a world tour in Asia. What happens to them as a family, they hold on Instagram and their blog for all with wanderlust: www.backpackbaby.de, //www.instagram.com/backpack_baby/

© Olaf Bernstein

Lola is waving happily to the Chinese family, who are waiting with us in the airport lobby in Phuket. With no space left, our daughter shifts the baby stroller that the parents have with them and begins to tell stories. After a short time, it becomes clear that no one can understand the other here? So body language is used. After some photos together, a race through the departure hall with the three children and a friendly "bye-bye" Lola comes back to us.Our daughter is at this time 17 months old and with us on world tour.

Is that even possible with baby ?!

The decision to have our child was the bravest and smart thing we have ever done. We were only guided by our wishes and our own ideas and not by precise planning. When we saw other parents with their children at a family party, they clicked on us. Our hitherto vague dormant wishes came to light and it was clear to us: We want a family. Shortly after we got pregnant? and that before the end of our studies.

That alone brought us some frowning. "Was that intentional?" Was the most common question we were asked. But we were and are not alone with these desires. All those who have no concept for their future life, work in the eyes of others like Hans-Kuck-in-the-Air. Courage and spontaneity are reserved in Germany for football matches and the next big car purchase? that's how it suggests advertising.

On the other hand, after the birth of Lola we began to think about how we could spend the first time together with our daughter. Our dream was a world trip, preferably to Southeast Asia. In the end we needed a few tries until we were tired but happy on the plane to Taiwan? not least because we were worried from start to finish: "Is that even baby at all ?, and what if you all get malaria ?,? You will completely uproot the child !? and so on.

Grandma is now on Instagram

At the same time, the trip around the world with a child did not feel any different than being pregnant? simply because it was the next bold and wise decision. We wanted to travel to Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Indonesia. Which visas we needed where we knew. We had scraped together money, sublet the apartment, left the return flight open.

Taiwan was a good start for us, as Josi speaks Chinese and had lived in Taipei for a long time. So, at first, a scary project turned into one that promised to create space in our lives.

Ultimately, our only remaining concern was that Lola and we would not see our relatives for a year. Shortly after our departure, we were surprised, however, how good it was to keep in touch with Lola's great-grandmother via Skype. Our photo album on Instagram finally brought our whole family online? That's how everyone knows what's on our mind.

Our worries, which were often the worries of our environment, are lost during travel. Our worst accident so far? a broken little finger in Thailand? happened to us when pushing the bike. Needless to say, hospital care here was better, cheaper, and faster than anything comparable in Germany. What did we learn from this?

Do not be afraid of change

We can not and should not plan everything? because spontaneity is often richly rewarded. Certainly there is a lot of thrill in this adventure, but what is on the way to win, justifies the risk thousandfold: freedom. Family time. Self-realization. Inner growth. Happy parents. A happy child.

Our flexibility now pays off financially. We are currently planning an online business to share our travel experience with other people who are also struggling to follow long, flat paths.

Without our child and without our trip around the world we would not have had all these insights. We learned a lot about ourselves on this trip? also that it is very relaxing to turn dreams into reality. Our ideas can develop freely, and we no longer have to worry if we will ever tackle them.

We are all very afraid of change. It can take a long time to not be scared and get into action. But the nice thing is: as soon as it's done, the fears shrink and stay behind us. New possibilities open up.

Emotionally, this trip has paid off a thousand times anyway. Our child should get to know the world with joie de vivre, and a world tour is ideal for that. Lola thinks it's normal to approach people, join their table and say hello in a friendly way. Alone for a happy? Bye-bye? At the airport in Phuket all our planning was worth it.

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FU DAO LE HUGE WIN !!!!! Babies , Babies and more Babies ! Did you see all those babies ???? (July 2024).

World Tour, Phuket, Thailand