SMS Help: 5 sentences that help you if you can not come up with an answer

You've probably been in the situation that you sat in front of your cell phone at a loss and just did not know what you should answer to a message. For example, because it was completely irrelevant or unpleasant. We have a few ideas on how to respond to classic questions - what should I say? - questions.

Scenario 1: The discharge

An acquaintance writes you that he is on you? you do not reciprocate his feelings.

Phew, not easy. Because one thing is for sure: No matter how you do it? In any case you will hurt the worshiper. But the best thing is always the truth: "Hello Martin, I'm very flattered, you're a great man, but it did not sparkle with me, I'm so sorry !?

Scenario 2: The Smalltalk

He / She asks if you came home well yesterday.

Typical small talk question. Well, what should one answer there? "No, I'm still in the train?" or "No, I forgot my address?". Is of course nonsense. Actually, this phrase always fits: "Yes, was a really great evening yesterday !? In the place of "great" you can of course set any adjectives.

Scenario 3: The invitation

He / she invites you spontaneously to a party? but you do not feel like it.

As you read this message, you're probably going through all sorts of excuses. Stop! Stay here with the truth: ?Many thanks for the invitation! I would rather take some time for myself this evening.?

Scenario 4: The late-night SMS

It's getting late, your phone beeps. The display says: "Well, still awake?"

The fact that one answers is actually the answer itself: yes! But to make it a bit more creative, this sentence offers itself here, for example: "Theoretically, I've been in bed for two hours, but practically I'm still in front of the PC. What keeps you awake so late?"

Scenario 5: The accompaniment

Your beloved asks you if it's okay if he still has friends? you do not want that.

Of course, you do not want to be rude. The good news: You can avert the matter AND at the same time flatter him: "Your friends are certainly nice, but I would much rather spend the evening with you alone." So he can not be angry with you!

Make Sure Long Text Messages Send as One Text Instead of Several [How-To] (July 2024).

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