So the dying Dana (34) spends her last days

Dana takes her dying into her own hands

Death scares us. We avoid thinking about him, we do not want to have anything to do with him. He scares us even more when he meets young people. This often makes the dying lonely.

Dana is only 25 years old when she is diagnosed with breast cancer. After mastectomy and chemotherapy she chooses a new life in another city. And for a son who, despite all medical prophecies, struggles for his place in the world.

Nine years later, Dana lies on the palliative ward of a hospital. The cancer has spread and there is no hope anymore. But she makes sure she is never alone.

In love and security her friends carry her to the end

Dana gathers her entire circle of friends for her deathbed - different people from her life, some of whom do not even know each other. Nevertheless, a functioning network is created: the friends coordinate their visit times, coordinate the daily overnight guest, treat Dana with massages or surprise her with a cello concerto.

In her room of death there is a diary in which friends and relatives may write their thoughts. It reads: "All your loved ones were from all over the world to see you, how many conversations were conducted at your bed, how many blockages were resolved, conflicts of many years broken, hearts opened, friendships closed, laughter and crying, Feelings leave their mark and peace closed, dear Dana, great and moving things have happened through you, you will leave big marks. " In love and security Dana's friends carry her to the end. The ward sisters say that is very unusual and happy about the many visitors in room H438.

Get the death out of the taboo zone

Dana wanted to show other people with a similar fate how to deal with death? she wanted to get him out of the taboo and make it more visible.

That's why she asked Berlin photographer Gordon Welters for her deathbed 19 days before her death? to document their departure in love and security. He spent ten to twelve hours daily with her.

Metastases have affected Dana's entire body and destroyed the optic nerves.

© Gordon Welters

Dana with her mother ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: Certain rituals are supposed to make it easier for the patient to die.

© Gordon Welters

Memories: Pinboard in Dana's room on the palliative ward.

© Gordon Welters

In affectionate hands: The doctors, nurses and caregivers of the palliative ward also take care of the terminally ill Dana.

© Gordon Welters

Silence: Dana's empty room after the wake.

© Gordon Welters

More photos of Dana you can see on the website of the photographer Gordon Welters.

The Death of Dana Plato - A Radio Gunk Deep Dive. (July 2024).

breast cancer