Divorce attorney reveals: From this point on a marriage can not be saved!

So that's it, the end. Marriage is a shambles, divorce the only logical step. Or? Are not there any remains of great feelings? And what about the little man in the ear whispering: Can not we get together again?

At a certain point? No, says Ines Daun. The experience of the divorce lawyer: "Who once sits with me, where is the marriage through!" In other words, if one of the parties has already given legal advice, the relationship is definitely beyond salvation.

Ines Daun has been a family lawyer for 23 years and divorces are her specialty. In all these years, "as good as no one" has gathered with her spouse again from her clients, she says, "If that made maybe five, that's a lot."

"Reminder in six months?"

Which does not mean that not many have tried. Even a number of candidates had even after the initial consultation with the expert started a couple therapy or decided to give it a try again. Just: That has almost never worked.

"If someone tells me he's in marriage therapy, my secretary asks me directly: 'Resubmit in six months?'" Ines Daun says with a smile. And the reality is right for the 52-year-old. Anyone who has once brought legal assistance, whose partnership is virtually done.

But nobody should be discouraged by that. The lawyer also has a glimmer of hope for divorce-willing: "None of my clients has remained single." Apart from very senior semesters, everyone has fallen in love again so far. And sooner rather than later. "By the time the divorce process is over, most have met someone again," she says.

Works miracles: a new love

By the way, also your tip for those who are currently in the middle of a divorce fight. "I always advise my client: 'Watch out, a relationship has failed, Now look for somebody on a transitional basis - not for home, kids, but for fun!' This shocks some initially: a new love? inconceivably. But holding hands with someone walking around the city or eating ice cream could do wonders, says Ines Daun. Always the best sign for them: "They will have that radiance in their eyes again."

© Eden Books / PR

Ines Daun, born in 1966, is a specialist lawyer for family law. In 1995 she founded her own law firm; Since then, she has experienced all sorts of client separations. In conversation with ChroniquesDuVasteMonde.com she talks about her experience as a divorce lawyer? and gives women advice on mate choice.

Even more tips and humorous anecdotes reveal Ines Daun in her book: "Dear love long," Eden Books, 16.95 euros, ISBN: 978-3-95910-155-4. Incidentally, Ines Daun is married for the second time.

Is Couple past the Point of No Return with Their Marriage? (July 2024).

Ines Daun, divorce, separation, couple therapy