Germany's next Topmodel 2019: Wolfgang Joop returns under special conditions

Wolfgang Joop (74) is the second guest juror, who this year judges the candidates alongside Heidi Klum (45) on "Germany's Next Top Model". The designer was already there in 2014 and 2015 as a juror. For this year's short visit, he went with the "GNTM" team on the snowy summit of the Gaislachkogls. How he experienced his comeback under adverse conditions, why the candidates impressed him and what he expects from young models, he tells in an interview with the news agency spot on news.

Did Heidi Klum persuade you to return to the "GNTM" set?

Wolfgang Joop: No. It has been more fun to work with her from time to time. I quickly found my role: she is the great bad girl and I can be the dear boy (laughs).

For you it went up as a guest juror. How was the girls rated in freezing temperatures?

Joop: I was happy when I was back down and safe. I am not a snowman at all and had to buy ski pants for the first time in my life. At the top there were suddenly fog walls - it was very strange. But by their great will, the girls did not freeze and just ran off while the whole team was slipping around.

Would not you like to have stayed longer than just a sequel?

Joop: It was just fine. If you are there for several days, you get to know the girls and become partisan. On a short visit, I judge them wholly by their appearance and talent, not by their nature.

Have you spotted a favorite among the candidates?

Joop: There is a girl with a blonde, very modern and courageous pageboy. The cool factor is today the most important in fashion. She also has all the attributes for a real top model. Heidi usually has other favorites because she has other criteria, so we complement each other quite well.

What can a young model score with you the most?

Joop: As a designer, there are two attributes for me: long, slender legs and a long neck. They are important for making things look good. A short skirt is only really short if long legs come underneath. And all collars look bad when the head is too much on the shoulders.

What are the most important tips you want to give young models?

Joop: You should relax, be relaxed and rest in yourself. If they are cramped and want too much, it often goes wrong. When a woman comes in slowly, she looks more exciting than falling.

You are known as a juror for your clear words. How do you put criticism away yourself?

Joop: I got used to it. The more you hear things, the less disturbing you are. I give the girls only criticism, which helps them further. Sometimes the best help is to say, "Girl, you look great as an office worker, you're fantastic as a doctor, stay there." This is never meant maliciously with me - unlike in the otherwise very cynical fashion industry, because you need a thick coat.

It is looking for the 14th "Germany's Next Top Model". Is it ever more difficult for the winner to establish herself as a model from year to year?

Joop: No, it's getting more and more exciting. One is ready to accept different girls who do not conform to the old-fashioned beauty standard of "tall, blond, long legs". There is Winnie Harlow, who has become famous for her pigmentation spots, as well as transgender models and girls with tattoos. That corresponds to our time. We continue to develop our taste, parallel to our environment.

How far is the "GNTM" world from the real fashion business?

Joop: First of all, it's great entertainment. We sit in front of the TV and see girls performing feats that have challenges. If a candidate is really special, she also has chances.

They have designed a home collection for Aldi and will soon publish their autobiography - What may Joop fans look forward to next?

Joop: My Homedecor collection, which I designed for Aldi, is available from today - in the morning Aldi, in the evening Heidi. I am very curious about the reaction to my biography. It will be published in the fall for the book fair. We are currently working on the collection "Looks", cool fashion for a younger audience. How we present them is still a mystery, but in any case we will experiment with new media.

Alle anderen chancenlos? Nur zwei GNTM-Girls begeistern Joop (July 2024).

Wolfgang Joop, Germany's Next Top Model, Comeback, Heidi Klum, Germany's Next Top Model 2019, Wolfgang Joop, GNTM