Indian drug ayahuasca? This tea is really good

Ayahuasca, a liquid drug mix with heavy side effects, is in fashion. The most diverse people make a pilgrimage to Peru for so-called Ayahuasca retreats, to suffer from embryo position and then to be cleansed.

Aya ... what?

Ayahuasca comes from the South American Quechua and means "liana of the spirits". It stands for a mixture of hallucinogenic substances, diluted with aqueous extracts of the liana. The taste is partly foul-bitter. One of the harmless side effects is having to vomit.

Ayahuasca is banned in Germany, which makes it directly interesting. It contains Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). This goes very fast into the brain and changes the visual perception. A high dose of ayahuasca causes vomiting, as well as diarrhea and sweating as a side effect. You could also say that the body wants to get rid of it (the poison). Convinced ayahuasca consumers call it:

The traditional use of indigenous peoples in ritual and religious ceremonies has the goals of meeting spirits and ancestors and experiencing healing or relief from mental stress. According to the shamans, it is not the hallucinogenic agents, but the plant souls that are responsible.

In fact, there are a variety of testimonials that confirm this purifying effect on physical and mental levels. American comedian Chelsea Handler has tried ayahuasca and other drugs for one of her documentaries:

Chelsea Handler needed two ayahuasca sessions to feel the effect while her two companions had more than enough the first time. It was a painful experience for her. Chelsea developed the urge to return to her sister through her trip. In Hollywood, the drug has experienced a veritable hype. Lindsay Lohan, Jim Carrey and Leonardo di Caprio are said to have already used the drug to increase their awareness. In films like "Wanderlust" or "Feels Mid Twenty", trips on the Indian herb are thematized. Also bands and musicians like the Klaxons, Father John Misty and Devandra Benhart sing about the broth in their songs.

However, the putrid liana is anything but a harmless herbal tea that you have to vomit from.

Many people are not ready to face this mental stress and are probably even more agitated after the trip than before. In addition: Actually one gets for the time of the trip a companion aside. But not everyone who is? Shaman? it is, too. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is also talked about many horror trips. The curious go recklessly in Peruvian areas and it has already come to various accidents and even a few deaths.

Some even try to lightly brew and consume the brew themselves, which in the best case only goes in the pants. A 'technically' guided intake is not only fierce, but also questionable, because some consumers? as with all drugs? become addicted to the effect. The "healing" effect, pain relief or cleaning wants to be repeated. The consequences are listlessness, incapacity to communicate and despondency. One user of the drug warns of the side effects: "LSD is like popcorn against turning it into a lightweight trend drug, it is dangerous and irresponsible."

So, before you go for a supperhippie with a drug tea: Find a trusted person and talk to each other.

The Psychedelic Healing Power of Ayahuasca (May 2024).