• April 30, 2024

Hard to believe what Mike Leon Grosch from DSDS looks like today!

He was the crowd favorite of the third season DSDS. In the 2006 final, he only had to beat the winner Tobias Regner - but Mike Leon Grosch showed us at that time, what an insane voice and great sound in him.

The colorful days of the talent show are long gone - but the music is still dedicated to Mike Leon. He recently released a new song: "Du & Colonia", a love song for his hometown Cologne.

But do you recognize him today? Over ten years after the DSDS final, Mike Leon is getting a bit gray! Kernig he always looked like, but now also show the first signs of the time and turn the teenage heat of yesteryear a mature man, which makes us dream. Is he really good, right?

However, Mike Leon Grosch was not always as happy and balanced as he was today. Shortly after his appearance at DSDS, he even had to collect returnable bottles, as he now told the Cologne Express: "That was pathetic, I lived from hand to mouth and then you are invited to celebrity parties and red carpets and go there? with a borrowed suit, standing in the flash of lightning and smiling. "

At such events he always lied to the press about some exciting new projects and finally ate his meal mainly at the buffet. After the party, he then found that his celebrity status, however, was not even enough for a shuttle home - then he wondered how he came home.

Luckily those dark days are behind Mike Leon Grosch. Today he shows himself healthy and happy on Instagram and works at a Cologne fashion agency. Once a star and back? For Mike Leon, the path has led to happiness - and we are really happy for the sympathetic Cologne!

Video Recommendation:

DsDs mix (April 2024).

DSDS, Cologne, casting show