For culture fans

Use in Manhattan

A blue cap on the head, a frog in hand and small talk with dodgy characters ... ChroniquesDuVasteMonde coworker Annett Heide has completely rediscovered New York: on a thriller tour.

In the mists of Florence

As autumn laps the streets, walking through the capital of Tuscany takes you to new worlds. ChroniquesDuVasteMonde employee Anke Dörrzapf was following in the footsteps of crime writer Magdalen Nabb.

Cultural Routes in Europe

Four dream routes to the most exciting highlights in France, Great Britain, Italy and Holland / Belgium. Exclusively for download.

Singing in Tuscany

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde editor Meike Schnitzler wanted to hear what it sounds like to sing in the churches of Tuscany. And attended a choir workshop.

City, country, kiss

Do you know where "Amélie" had her first date and "Bridget Jones" turned Hugh Grant's head? Enchanting locations for traveling and falling in love.

First the work and then ...

Sanding, sanding, soldering. This should be vacation? Yes. First, because it's Mallorca, and second, really nice: make jewelry yourself.

Opera tours

Elke Heidenreich was there when the legendary Teatro "La Fenice" opened its doors in Venice - and takes us all into the wonderful world of the opera. Plus tips for more opera travel.

Creative also elsewhere

Painting, dancing, drumming, sewing, modeling, writing ... who ever wanted to live out his creative abilities, is exactly right here.

The poetry of Wales

Elke Heidenreich traveled to Wales in search of traces of the poet Dylan Thomas. It was easier to find Macbeth in Scotland than the famous son of Swansea.

14 años después... Real Oviedo Culture Fans en el derbi asturiano (May 2024).

Tuscany, Smalltalk, Manhattan, New York, Anke Dörrzapf, Europe, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium, culture, filming, travel, goldsmithing, Tuscany, dancing, musical, holiday, workshop, singing, drumming