This happens if you only live for video tutorials

Smooth lips, stand on hands, negotiate fees? what you can not do is explain the internet to you. Lebenshilfe's free on Youtube. Our author literally blew it away, Master Yoda's cape is not sitting properly. For an hour I've been trying to fold the cloth napkin to look like the Jedi Grandmaster. Thanks to the video tutorial that I found on Youtube, my head and pointed ears are doing quite well. But the cape is more reminiscent of a straitjacket. I certainly can not impress a Star Wars fan like Malte. Malte is the son of my friend Nele and finds everything he picks up in the kindergarten about the Empire great. He also wanted to celebrate his birthday - celebrating Star Wars. However, Nele has successfully fended off the plastic invasion of the preschool Jedis. As a consolation I would like to teach him this napkin trick. For that I have to only have it on my own. The napkin is already completely crumpled. My forehead too. Master Yoda would say, "Much to learn yet you have." I go to that wants. Because napkin folding is just one part of a bigger experiment I'm doing right now: live better with Youtube. For a week I want to be guided in all questions of videos. Since the founding of Youtube eleven years ago, the former cat content slingshot has become a hogwarts of life coaching. Strange problems? Does not exist on this platform. Any life coaching, called Lifehack, has its right? if it can be explained in a few video minutes. The folding guides by Isamu Sasagawa are the best example. No one needs them. But anyone who wants to know how to twirl a penguin out of a towel will find the solution here. Over 400 hours of video footage were uploaded to the platform by users per minute in 2015. Including thousands of tips on how to stop giant picking or save over-salty cream sauces. For me, Youtube is like Master Yoda: omniscient? and something strange. Let's see how far I come as a student. I start small: with beauty hacks.

5 Tips for Live Streaming on YouTube (Complete Tutorial) (May 2024).