What this Muslim mother tells her daughter about the Trump election, we should take to heart!

There are many reasons to be concerned about the upcoming presidency of Donald Trump. In particular, Muslim US citizens are now unsure about the extent to which the future president will realize his anti-Islamic threats from the election campaign.

But Muna Hussaini, American, Muslim and mother, does not want to be unsettled by the election. On Facebook she told how she talks to her daughter about the election and its consequences.

"Is that true, Mama?"

It all began, Muna said, "A kid in my school said I should be for Trump because Obama and Hillary think men can marry other men, is that right, Mama?" Hussaini hesitated for a moment and then answered, "Baby, what if someone told us tomorrow that we can not eat meat anymore because it violates their religious beliefs?"

Her daughter had to think about it and then said that was not fair.

"Exactly," said Hussaini. "That's the beauty of democracy in the US: No one should make his religion more important than what other people believe in. That's called separation of church and state, and you can not pick out what you like better Otherwise, tomorrow somebody may tell mom to take off her headscarf, so if two dads want to get married, we have to fight for their right to do that. "

"Is the school still safe for me?"

The day after the election was a shock to the family, and Hussaini's daughter was deeply frightened. Again and again she asked for family passports, whether they would have to leave now, and whether it would be safe for them at the school yet.

Hussaini said that the president does not rule alone, but constitutional safeguards prevent a person from abusing his power. First of all, she told her daughter, "We should keep thinking positive now, because our basic beliefs as Americans say that people are basically good, and we can trust our laws."

On Facebook, the mother admitted that she could barely believe those words at the moment. "But sometimes you have to believe in something, even if it's just about hearing how you say it out loud, and sometimes that can help to keep going."

"I have to know that my family is safe!"

Compared to the portal "Upworthy" Hussaini expressed a request to her fellow citizens: "Now it would really help to know that we are not alone, That my family stays safe, even if the hate appears open. I am an American citizen, born and raised here, and I am not sure. I do not know when my rights will be limited and what I should do if that happens. I want to know that my religious freedom is preserved. I want to know that my freedom of expression is maintained. I want to know that America is still my country. "

Thoughts and worries that we should also take to heart in this country. America may be far away, but open hostility and violence towards people of other religions are also becoming more numerous in Germany. This development should be halted - only enough people would have to switch on and make it clear that this is not correct!

Lindsay Lohan on Converting to Islam | Good Morning Britain (April 2024).

Donald Trump, America, Facebook, campaign