The Bachelor: This lady did not get a rose in the semifinals

Back in Mexico, where it all started. The Bachelor announces at the beginning of the semifinals: "Now comes the point where you know that you have to break a woman's heart." But later. He finds all three women special, he has developed a feeling for each of them: "You build relationships with more than one woman, so it can happen that you do not have your emotions under control, if I have learned one, it It's getting more and more blatant than I thought before. " But for whom will not there be a rose at the end of the program?

First, there is one last group date, a joint balloon ride with Andrej Mangold, which the remaining three ladies Jenny, Eva and Vanessa find only medium. Ballooning is mega, group data rather less. Jenny is afraid of heights, Eva feels neglected, then the balloon also flies against a tree and all are full of shrubs and berries.

Then a round of champagne and also a meal together with an exhausting conversation. Eva asks the Bachelor: "What is the most beautiful metropolis for you?" Then Jenny, who discovered an insect on the orange juice: "Oh, what's that?" and Andrey examines the insect. Then: tattoo-talk. Eva: "I have a tattoo on my back, an A, that stands for my grandfather." Nobody noticed yet. Then they talk about Jenny's tattoos, until finally the Bachelor intervenes and announces that it is the Dreamdates to Cuba. This fact raises the mood considerably.

Intense feelings with Eva and Vanessa

Dreamdate number one goes to Eva. The program includes a vintage car tour through Havana, salsa dancing and a romantic dinner on the roof terrace. "It was like driving your girlfriend through the city," says the bachelor. "The feeling has intensified." After a nightly swim in the pool and the night together, everything has increased even more. "It already feels like a couple." Eva has butterflies in her stomach. And how was the night together? "A lady enjoys and is silent," evokes Eva meaningly. And he? "I'm happy, it's getting more and more intense and exciting."

The next day we go with Vanessa in a catamaran out to sea. Sunbathing, snorkeling, smooching. "There's a lot of fire in there," Andrei says happily. Vanessa thinks the package is good. "It has already felt like a couple's holiday." The conversations at the romantic dinner are rather problematic when Vanessa says that she is happy to have someone to talk to, namely Jenny. "And, does not it matter now?" Asks the Bachelor slightly irritated. "Do you want to back down?" Vanessa can reassure him, "Nah, I will not let anyone take the lead." Love of friendship.

Calmed down, Andrej Mangold can spend the night with contestant number two. The next morning, the common awakening. The Bachelor takes stock: "During the night you felt the chains were a bit more laid-off." And how close did you get? He says, "It does not matter how close we were." And she: "I do not answer that." Aha. When sharing breakfast at a nudist beach Vanessa has mixed feelings. "A risky situation, you can not be sure."

How does the friendship of Jenny and Vanessa continue?

In the rainforest, Bachelor Jenny meets Dreamdate number three. "I'm particularly looking forward to dating with Jennifer, even being nervous," he confesses. Ziplining over the jungle followed, a dip under the waterfall and his realization: "It runs through the whole body." Jenny has "the feeling when in love." At the romantic dinner, the bachelor wants to first clarify the topic best friend. "You two are still here, Vanessa and you, how do you handle it?" Jenny assures him that she is not here to find a girlfriend.

The Bachelor chuckles and describes his nightmare: "You are both in the final, then you say: 'Nah, for a guy we do not do that, friendship is more important.' And you both do not want the rose. " In the rainforest they wake up together and Andrej raves about a warm feeling. "It felt good, almost like a relationship, a real dreamdate from start to finish." Jenny is "in love in any case."

No rose for Vanessa

Mexico Los Cabos, the penultimate night of roses. The Bachelor's degree is impressive. "I'm clear in the decision, but it will not be easy, you know, you have to break the woman's heart." Everyone has built up bonds, everyone is crying in advance. But: How does the Bachelor repeat over and over: He wants to go out here with a hand in hand. At least it's not Vanessa.

Andrej Mangold does not have a rose for her. "It's just trifles," he explains his decision in conversation with Vanessa. She nods understandingly. "That's feelings, that's fine." She likes him further than people totally.Eva or Jenny? Who is doing the race? "I have a heart, but that is felt to be shared in the middle," confesses the Bachelor. Maybe Mama will be able to help in the next episode, when it says: The grand finale.

Alex Tells Alicia He's Fallen In Lover With Her | The Bachelor UK (May 2024).

Semi-finals, Mexico, Havana, The Bachelor, The Bachelor 2019