Depilation with the epilette

What was tested?

The leg hair should be gone! But instead of growing, shaving or epilating, we rub our hair away for a change. And with the epilette - a so-called Depilierscheibe.

What does the product promise?

The epilette is intended to remove unwanted hair on the legs "gently with gentle circular movements". It was developed for women who do not want to use wax or depilatory cream.

And what does the subject say?

... has a lot of big and thick hair. On the head that's great - on the legs it would like to be less.

© Birgit Potzkai

Jana Gloistein, beauty journalist: "I've already done away with my hair on the legs with all the methods, they should be smooth - and (almost) every means is right for me." The epilette reminds me of a harrow with which you can Horses are brushing, except that it is nice and soft for the four-legged friends, and on my epilette sticks a disc that feels like very fine emery paper from the hardware store.

So I circle - as desired - with gentle movements over my leg. White crumbs fall to the floor - a mixture of crushed hairs and dandruff. Granted: not exactly delicious, but effective. However, I do not exactly have fine hairs and so I need a good 20 minutes for one leg. Clearly too long. My legs then feel wonderfully soft - as if they were hairless and peeled at the same time. But what annoys me is the different growth cycle of the hair. Hardly epilated, it may well be that a few hairs sprout again through the skin. That's exactly what the epilette is ideal for: should it be spontaneous rock in the morning? A date in the evening? Short rubbed legs and they are hair-free and really nice and soft. And best of all: I tend to ingrown hairs. Through my sporadic rubbings with the epilette, my legs are now automatically released from it.

Conclusion: No replacement for razors or epilators. But a fantastic helper to bring your legs in between - especially for women who regrow stubble quickly.

What does it cost?

For about 6 euros you get a pack with a "harrow" on which already has a Depilierscheibe, plus five more. By the way, the "emery paper" can be cleaned with a little bit of water and a brush after use, which means that one sheet can survive several applications. Available in drugstores like Rossmann or Müller.

Review: Dollar Tree Smooth Away Hair Remover (May 2024).

Depilation, tried, products in the test, epilette, depilation, beauty check