Germany is looking for the superstar: In the semi-final, Dieter Bohlen announces the jury for 2020

After the semifinal of this year's 16th season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" not only the four finalists are determined. Chief Juror Dieter Bohlen (65) had other great news to announce. "We are already in a position today to announce who will be in the next jury," said Bohlen in the live broadcast. He has repeatedly read on Instagram from fans that the jury is so great and he should keep it for the next year. And that's just the case: Pietro Lombardi (26), Xavier Naidoo (47) and Oana Nechiti (31) will receive "DSDS" for the 17th season in 2020.

These are the four finalists

Joana Kesenci and Nick Ferretti also made a special appearance in the semi-finals, performing in the duo "Shallow" from the movie "A Star Is Born". The song, which sings Lady Gaga (33) and Bradley Cooper (44), was honored in 2019 including an Oscar. "Who is Bradley Cooper, who is Lady Gaga? I like Joana and Nick much more," Xavier Naidoo judged on the show. The move to the "DSDS" finale was a mere formality.

In the finals of 2019 are Alicia-Awa Beissert, Davin Herbrüggen, Joana Kesenci and Nick Ferretti. For Clarissa Schöppe and Taylor Luc Jacobs was the semi-final.

All information about "Germany is looking for the superstar" in the special at

✅ DSDS-Finale 2018: Nesthäkchen wird jüngste DSDS-Siegerin aller Zeiten (May 2024).

DSDS, Dieter Bohlen, semi-final, Xavier Naidoo, Lady Gaga, Bradley Cooper, Instagram, Germany is looking for superstar, DSDS, Dieter Bohlen, Pietro Lombardi, Xavier Naidoo, Oana Nechiti, RTL