Four of the swords? your tarot card

"Four of Swords": What does this card mean?

Short and sweet
Pause, retreat, isolation, silence, loneliness, search, meditation, illness, healing

Take the time-out you need now!

"Four of the swords": What does the tarot card show?

The tarot card "Four of the Swords" looks scary at first glance: A coffin in a church? That can not mean anything good! Or?

Is the golden man really dead on his golden bed? Or is he just resting and praying for enlightenment? He turns to a beautiful colorful window made of mosaic glass on which a woman with a halo can be seen. It may be the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is often asked by people of Catholic faith for help and intercession in heaven. On the right in front of her on the mosaic window kneels then also a petitioner, who appears like a colorful and positive erected "extension" of the Aufgebahrten. Mary blesses the petitioner made of window glass and at the same time the lying below.

But why does the man need help at all? How did he get into his petrified situation? This is revealed by the three gray swords hanging on the wall next to the window. Her points point down, directly on the head and chest of the man in which his heart beats. This does not remind you of the previous card "Three of swords"; only the heart, as the symbolic center of feeling, is no longer pierced here, but only threatened. It is the swords that stand in the Tarot of Mind and Intellect. The man has simply relied too much on his cool and clear mind and ignored all the other colors and facets of life.

So man has brought the flow of his life to a standstill. But smart as he is, he seeks just in time for help. He reflects, meditates, seeks meaning. He asks a higher power of his choice for support to find a better way. And this help is granted to him, as the golden color shows, into which the man and his "coffin", in contrast to the gray sword wall, are bathed behind. The base of his camp is decorated with a fourth sword. But it is no longer directed against the dormant, but is simply at hand, when it has come to its senses again and ready, among other things, to use its mental powers wisely for a happy life.

As a day ticket: If the Tarot picture "Four of Swords" stands for you

The whole brooding and the recent discussions have weakened you rather than pushed you, right? You're stuck, you need a break to find yourself again. Take them! Sleeping a night over it is the least, before you plunge again into new arguments with new arguments. Pull yourself back and make yourself really comfortable. What was the epitome of security for you as a child helps you get back on your feet.

As Love-Red: If the tarot card "Four of Swords" stands for your partner or your relationship

In relationship life, the line between harmony, peace and quiet on the one hand and stagnation and boredom on the other is sometimes very, very thin. You are peaceful, fair and reasonable, and so is your partner. But that is not enough! Where is the colorful life? Love and passion? In extreme cases, you freeze in nice formality. More pep may come up if you do not see each other for a while and the longing makes your heart rumble. If that does not help, you should not be embarrassed to ask a pro or a couple therapist; which can get you moving again!

"Four of swords": Map assignments

In Tarot: Small Arcana, Number Cards

Further names of the card: IV of Swords (Rider Waite Tarot)? Ceasefire / Truce (Aleister-Crowley-Tarot)

Element / Astrology: Air ? Jupiter in Libra

Four of Swords Tarot Card Meaning Video (May 2024).

Tarot, tarot card, love tarot, day pass