Exemplary! Prince William shows how we should talk to children

We can all look after Prince William

When Prince William talks to his Prince George, he instinctively or deliberately does one thing right: he almost squats down or bends down to him.

So he can meet his son in the truest sense on eye level and address him directly? a tactic that many parenting parents recommend! Because this is how the adult signals to the child that he is taking it seriously and that he wants to listen to him closely. This is good for the child's self-confidence and trust in the adult.

The pictures above show that the British prince does this not just every now and then, but regularly. Whether he's visiting the US president or standing on the sports field? William has always an eye and an ear for the needs of his son and shows him how important he is to him.

We are thrilled with the papa competence of the prince! George will definitely benefit from it? after all, in his childhood he has enough to do with stiff adults.

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Prince William, Prince George, parenting