Eat and drink healthy

Water: From the bottle or the pipe?

Mineral water is one of the most popular drinks of the Germans? This was despite the recent reports of excessive exposure to heavy waters containing heavy metals such as uranium and environmental hormones. In 2008, per capita consumption was more than 130 liters. But many who regularly carry water bins ask themselves: would not tap water do too? "Water is the ideal thirst quencher, whether mineral or tap water is of secondary importance," says Antje Gahl of the German Nutrition Society in Bonn. "You can drink tap water in Germany without hesitation." After all, it is one of the most strictly monitored foods. Because: "The waterworks regularly check the quality of the water - but only up to the house connection," said the nutritionist. If you live in an older house, you should ask the owner if there are any lines that could give away lead. Or let the water be analyzed. Advice is given by the health department.

For tap water speak the low price and the environmental compatibility. However, it does not usually contain as much minerals as water from the bottle. But even here there are big differences. It helps to look at the label. Which substances are in tap water, knows the local water supplier. This is usually not crucial for your health. "In most cases, it can make sense to drink mineral water rich in magnesium or calcium as a supplement," says Antje Gahl. Otherwise: "Whether mineral or tap water is ultimately a matter of taste." More information in the brochure "Drink what? Drinking water from the tap" from the Federal Environment Agency

Food allergies: Some tests are useless

Food allergy is not always easy to diagnose. No wonder that some sufferers reach for every straw. For example, so-called IgG antibody tests, which are advertised in magazines and on the Internet. And they can easily cost a few hundred euros and are rarely paid by health insurance companies. However, the detection of IgG antibodies to many hundreds of foods is unfortunately meaningless.

This was explained recently by the five German-speaking allergy societies that reject such tests. The production of these antibodies is a natural reaction of the immune system to foreign proteins in the diet and no sign of intolerance. "Chronic skin and intestinal diseases, migraines, even overweight are associated with it, which is completely unfounded," said the Berlin Privatdozent Dr. med. Jörg Kleine-Tebbe from the board of the German Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Due to the IgG antibody tests, those affected should then refrain from using the corresponding foods. This affects the quality of life and may even harm. "If you suspect food intolerance, you should contact an allergist," says Kleine-Tebbe. "Because these specialists have reliable diagnostic options."

To find out if and against which substance someone is allergic, a doctor for allergology performs various investigations. "He interviews the patient and makes a skin test or a determination of IgE - the antibodies that may be behind an allergy to food - in case of doubt, a provocation is made, a test that is unfortunately only available in specialized departments," explains Kleine. Tebbe. The patient is exposed under controlled conditions to the suspected allergen to determine if this substance actually causes the condition.

Organic eggs: an advantage of taking antibiotics

Organic chickens and eggs have an important advantage over conventional farms: bacteria found in them are more sensitive to a range of antibiotics. This is what Professor Johann Bauer from the Technical University of Munich and his colleagues discovered. The scientists studied laying hens and eggs from ten conventional farms and ten organic farms in Bavaria. If people become infected with bacteria that have become insensitive to antibiotics, there is a risk that these agents will no longer work for diseases.

"The increase in drug resistance is enormous, and it happens faster as new drugs come onto the market," explains Johann Bauer.The expert is convinced: "Organic animal husbandry contributes to the fact that resistance develops more slowly and antibiotics are more effective." Incidentally, the researchers were unable to refute the fear that animals and eggs from organic farms were more frequently attacked by harmful bacteria. Between animals from organic and normal farms, they found no difference.

Attention, allergy!

The number of pollen allergy sufferers has almost doubled in the last 20 years. The problem: Those who have hay fever often also have an allergic reaction to certain foods. Around 70 percent of the now 17 million people affected in Germany develop such a cross-allergy. Physicians speak of a "pollen-associated food allergy".

"For example, people who are allergic to grasses and mugwort pollen that are now severely affected can often not tolerate tomatoes or cucumbers," says Dr. Andreas Hellmann, allergist and chairman of the Federal Association of Pulmonologists. "They feel while biting a tingling and burning lips, on the palate and throat." Grass pollen allergy sufferers also frequently respond to legumes, kiwi and melons, mugwort pollen allergy to garlic, celery, peanuts or carrots. Many spices can be problematic. In the worst case, there may be respiratory distress, circulatory collapse and loss of consciousness. The reason: Certain proteins in foods are similar to the allergy-causing proteins of pollen. The organism can not distinguish them and therefore reacts equally defensively. Most commonly, people with an allergy to early bloomers like birch pollen are affected. For example, apples, pears, strawberries and soya can be dangerous for them.

However, hay fever and cross-allergies do not always develop at the same time. "It may be that a cross-allergy only occurs after years of hay fever," says Hellmann. It is best to avoid the allergen. Tips for this are "The Trias cookbook for cross-allergy" by Christiane Schäfer and Anne Kamp (2008, 144 p., 19.95 euros). With fruits and vegetables, for example, it often helps to consume it not raw, but steamed or compote. Acute complaints relieve drugs that block the allergic reaction (antihistamines). "And after a successful specific immunotherapy against hay fever and the symptoms of cross-allergies are reduced."

Lactose is harmless in tablets

More than twelve million people in Germany suffer from lactose intolerance. When they consume dairy products, their body reacts with diarrhea, nausea or abdominal pain. Therefore, they must avoid foods containing lactose, lactose. Does that also apply to tablets?

Tiny amounts of lactose in tablets do not cause any discomfort

"Those affected can safely take such medications," Dr. Friedrich-Wilhelm Riffelmann, Chief Physician of the Allergy Department at the Fachkrankenhaus Kloster Grafschaft in Schmallenberg. Because a lactose intolerance is not an allergy, but a digestive disorder. "The tiny amounts of lactose in tablets do not cause any discomfort," says the food intolerance expert. This also applies to inhalation preparations, such as those used by asthmatics. "Lactose in the milligram range is also often added - and that too is completely harmless."

Appleberry protects the cells

So far, she is little known to us. But that can change now. For the American chokeberry (Aronia) has recently made a name for ourselves as a medicinal plant. The deep black, sour-tart-tasting juice of their fruits lowers? as medical studies have shown? blood pressure and cholesterol and blood sugar levels. And by the way, it protects against skin aging, prevents cancer and strengthens the immune system. Because in the Aronia berries are phytochemicals (anthocyanins), which are proven to be heat stable and protect cells from dangerous free radicals.

The concentration of these highly effective antioxidants is second to none in comparison to other plants. For example, 100 grams of apple berries contain 800 milligrams of these plant substances, 100 grams of cranberries only 200 milligrams. A study at German universities is currently investigating the components of violet-black fruits in order to produce possibly functional foods with the same effect. Actually unnecessary, because Aronia juice is available in the health food store, and every pharmacy ordered juice packs with the monthly need for an Aronia cure. Bushes for your own garden via

Calories make you happy

Sugar-free yogurt, coffee with sweetener or light lemonade taste quite good? but they leave a peel of aftertaste. They do not make us really full, happy and happy. Why is that, has now found out the neuroscientist Ivan de Araujo from the University of Porto: Our reward system in the brain not only responds to the good taste of food, but also has a kind of built calorie counter.

The more nutrients we absorb, the more dopamine is released, the messenger that contributes to the development of feelings of happiness. So in the worst case, after eating diet foods, we continue to eat until a satisfying, happy calorie level is reached. Who wants to avoid cravings, should therefore pay more attention to a steady supply of energy.

Fruit pleasure with side effects? That does not have to be!

If it rumbles after every apple in the stomach, melons cause diarrhea and eggplant flatulence, there may be a food intolerance. Doctors speak of "fructose malabsorption". In the process, fructose reaches undigested in the large intestine. And the more these fructose ferment in the body, the worse are stomach aches, bloating and nausea.

Anyone who reacts in this way should have their doctor perform a breath test after a congenital fructose intolerance has been ruled out. If the proof is positive, fructose-rich fruits and vegetables such as cherries, grapes, peppers, squash, tomatoes and all sweet and bloating honey, lemonade, cabbage and lentils should first be deleted from the diet. "Experience has shown that the symptoms resolve within two to three weeks," says Silke Restemeyer, nutritionist at the German Nutrition Society (DGE). Afterwards everyone has to find out carefully how much fructose he tolerates. More information and nutrition tips are available in the new DGE guide "Eating and drinking at fructose malabsorption" (to be ordered for 50 cents plus shipping costs at, Tel. 02 28/909 26-26).

Soft drinks increase the risk of gout

Quench your thirst with mineral water.

Gout is a painful joint disease. It is triggered by an increased uric acid level in the blood. The reason for this is a hereditary disorder of the metabolism that converts purines from food into uric acid. Doctors therefore recommend avoiding purine foods such as offal, pork and beef, the skin of poultry and legumes.

However, according to recent studies, soft drinks are also part of the Prohibited List: 46 393 people over the age of 40 were observed in an American study. The result: the higher the consumption of soft drinks, the higher the risk of gout. Compared to people who drank less than one soft drink per month, daily consumption was 45 percent, and eating more than two soft drinks a day was 85 percent higher. Quench your thirst with mineral water.

Abdominal pain after eating cheese?

Stomach cramps after a piece of brie, headache or rash after a glass of Merlot? This may be due to histamine intolerance. About two percent of all Germans suffer from this food intolerance. Histamine is a messenger substance found in our bodies as well as in many foods? for example, in tomatoes, bananas, nuts and fish. Normally, our body breaks down histamine via an endogenous enzyme called di-amino oxidase (DAO). But in some people, this process is disturbed: your body does not make enough DAO. This can lead to histamine excess and unpleasant reactions.

Whether a histamine intolerance exists, covers a blood test (cost: 25 to 35 euros). "If he is positive, sufferers have to change their diet and avoid histamine-containing" Markus Pfisterer, physician for natural healing from Heilbronn. This is often difficult with restaurant visits or invitations to eat. Then, a dietary supplement, taken before the meal, can now supply the body with the missing enzyme for histamine degradation. "But," retards Markus Pfisterer, "as long-term therapy or even a license to eat without consideration, that is not thought."

WHAT I EAT IN A DAY For Optimal GUT HEALTH (full day of eating) (May 2024).

Biosiegel, Food, Germany, Food, Drinks, Bonn, Tap Water, Federal Environment Agency, Allergy, Bavaria, Medicine, Health, News, Nourish