Donate better - small use, big impact

Donate better, but how?

There are so many social projects that you would like to get involved in, so many supportive charities, so many fundraising calls to follow. Had, would, could, should ... mostly it remains the bad conscience, again nothing to have done. Either there is no time for commitment or simply the money to donate. But there are also projects where we can do a lot with a small amount of effort.


© ShareTheMeal

ShareTheMeal is an initiative of the UN World Food Program (WFP) that is fighting hunger worldwide. With the app "ShareTheMeal" you can donate 40 cents with just one click and feed a starving child for one day. With the camera feature, you can also take a picture of your meal, add a # ShareTheMeal filter, donate, and share it on social media.

#dreamon: The app that lets us donate in our sleep

© Hester / Corbis

Are you one of those people who keep pushing the snooze button in the morning, delaying getting up? Then there is a way for you to follow this habit with a clear conscience: The new free smartphone app #dreamon not only wakes you up in the morning, but also ensures that you do something good when you wake up. The app remembers each mute the alarm clock and calls after the tenth "dreaming" to donate a dollar via PayPal to the United Nations refugee aid. Each slumber phase pays ten cents in aid projects. Dirk Sabrowski, UNO refugee aid director, said: "We liked the idea that people can actually help other people 'in their sleep', even if it's just a very small amount: every cent helps to support people who care about everything lost and urgently need our help. " #dreamon is available for Android devices and for iPhones, downloads via iTunes or Google Play.

"Germany rounds up": donate change

"That makes 8,96 Euro, please!" If the cashier in the supermarket soon wants an odd amount from you, you have two options: Either you cents cent-piece for cents-piece from your wallet, or you answer: "Auflunden, bitte!" This not only saves you the search for the small change, but you also do something good. Because the amount that you pay beyond the purchase price benefits a children's aid project. The action "Germany rounds up" wants to help the socially disadvantaged children in Germany with the collected money. Already 1.2 million euros have been collected since the beginning of the campaign in the spring of 2012. Supporters of the action are, for example, the presenter Ranga Yogeshwar and the actress Andrea Sawatzki. "I support 'Germany rounds up' because the simple donation system makes it possible for anyone to do good in everyday life," says Sawatzki. Douglas, Penny, Reno, Kaufland and many other dealers already offer the opportunity to round up:

"Donate plastastisch": Help with the pledge

The party is over and in the apartment pile up empty returnable bottles: This scenario brought the cousins ​​Jan Mörsch and Raul Krauthausen on the idea for their action "pledgetastic donate". There are now over 400 "deposit boxes" in Germany. The boxes are installed in supermarkets like Rewe, Edeka or Kaiser next to the bottle return vending machines. If you want to do good, you can put your pawn into the box and donate instead of redeeming it at the cash register. The collected money will benefit various organizations such as Pro Familia or the panels. On average, each box earns 1000 Euros a year:

Oikocredit: invest in micro-loans

When the international cooperative "Oikocredit" was founded in the 1970s, there was a lot of skepticism: How should an investment system that conveys loans to the poor? 40 years later, Oikocredit is one of the pioneers in ethical investment. Investors' money is used to lend people in developing countries livelihoods. Mariam Dao Gabala, representative from Oikocredit West Africa, explains: "We do not want donations, donations make people dependent on outside help, and we want to enable people to help themselves." Also for the investors a socially responsible investment offers advantages. After all, they know that their capital is not used for speculation in the financial market, but helps people in developing countries on their way to self-employment:

"": Help without paying

The best in advance: With this donation method you pay no cent. Nevertheless, you help an organization of your choice, such as Doctors Without Borders, Peta Germany or the German Children's Fund. How it works? By shopping on the Internet platform About you can shop in various online stores, whether Amazon, Deichmann, Saturn or Lufthansa. The prices are the same as in the online shops. But if you choose them through, the retailer will donate a percentage of your purchase value to a charity of your choice. As a result, Internet giants such as Amazon are polishing their image, showing their social side, and you, the buyer, can help without paying anything:

Investment: Save with a clear conscience

Everything used to be better - at least the interest rates. But when interest rates move to zero, it pays to think about how important they are to us. Does it always have to be about profit, or is the knowledge that your own money does not invest in arms or child labor, maybe worth even more? Many banks are now pursuing sustainability thinking, focusing on social and environmental investments rather than profitability. Well-known examples are the "Environmental Bank", the "GLS Bank", the "Ethics Bank" or the "Triodos Bank". The customers of such financial institutions get on average less interest than in traditional banks, but also know what their money works for. If you think about investing your capital from an ethical point of view, caution should be exercised because there are also black sheep among the supposedly sustainable banks. The consumer advice centers advise on trustworthy investment options:

CHI 2018 - Small Donation, Big Impact (May 2024).

Germany, sleep, Andrea Sawatzki, PayPal, Android, iPhone, Apple iTunes, Google Play, donate, charities, relief organizations