Couples argue about dirt

Stinking socks, dirty harness mountains, stacking old paper: They make German couples into rage. This has resulted in an Emnid poll on behalf of Playboy: "What could give rise to a dispute in your partnership?" 46 percent of the 1000 respondents named cleanliness and order as the number one issue.

The dear family - and children - lead in 35 percent to disagreements. Just as crucial Zofffaktor are schedules: Sailing or sucking? Sofa or ski hall?

About the ugly tie or the too low neckline, 24 percent of respondents would argue. And even the TV program is more annoying (24 percent!) Than sex (18 percent)! Friends of the partner have given 18 percent as a reason, 16 percent the job and 12 percent the food.

Overall, women seem to be more contentious than menEach reason was much more frequently reported by women than by men as a conflict factor. In addition, younger people argue more than older people - except for the remote control.


Argument, Dirt, Disorder, Poll, TNS Emnid, Quarrel, Poll, Partnership, Dirt, Sex, Disorder, Television, Family