Absurd sentences that we say to our children

"Did you put syrup on the dog?"

Yes, that sentence really fell that way. In the house of Nathan Ripperger. The graphic designer and video artist from Iowa has five children and experiences so many absurd situations with them. At some point he began to write down the phrases that he made in everyday life and to illustrate them in poster style.

The collected works have now been published in the book "Things I've said to my children" (Ten Speed ​​Press, Penguin Random House LLC) - unfortunately only in English. But one notices immediately: Anyone who has children will easily understand this language (for all others, the sentences are probably a mystery).

"Why is there a toilet seat on the coffee table?"

© 2015 by Nathan Ripperger

Unfortunately, we are only allowed to show two of the great graphics, but here are some example sentences from Nathan Ripperger's book:

"We do not eat our dinner with our toes."

"I'll talk to you first, if you're wearing your underwear!"

"Darling, please do not lick the toaster."

"Stop eating the cake from the garbage - you've already brushed your teeth!"

"No, the goblin stays in my pocket."

"He's your brother and not a pulling toy."

Do you think similarly absurd sentences?

The book "Things I've said to my children" by Nathan Ripperger you can also order online in English - for example, for about 14 € on Amazon.de.

Kids Say The Darndest Things (May 2024).
