A sh *** I have to! ? Why are punishable swearing chaotic are horny types

1. Chaos rules
Clearly, the place looks better when it's cleaned up picobello. But did you know that intelligent people are not only very chaotic, but also live? The simple explanation: Who does not waste his time with tidying up, could be busy with something much more important. In addition, the disorder favors creative processes. Your new excuse, uh, motto is: "Honey, please clear that away. I think!?

2. Cursing like a sailor
Yes Yes Yes. You should not shit? say. And, asshole? neither. But if those are the two most accurate words? Should you really resist them? A? Scheibenkleister !? or? candelabrum? does not convey the same message by far. We therefore plead for cursing for clear words and underline the same with the following study. This means that an efficient use of cursive words suggests a broad vocabulary and rhetorical strength. Ha! Did we know?

3. The late bird is much more fun
Who actually chattered us in the ear about this awful saying about the early bird? Surely those were meanies, who also came up with school at 8 o'clock, as well as this senseless concept of summer and winter time. The fact is: Whoever only makes the early bird, misses all the fun! Be a partying party, drink a glass too much, see the sunrise after a night of dancing ... Anyone who needs a pseudo-study to appease their guilty conscience: Biddeschön! The evolutionary scientist Satoshi Kanazawa wants to find out that people who go to bed later are smarter than those who sleep early. Did he happen to be a night owl?

Deals in the Dark | Critical Role RPG Episode 92 (May 2024).