6 fashion trends, the men hate us - but we still love about everything ??

There are phenomena that we simply can not explain. The placebo effect or what it really does with the purring of a cat. But one of those inexplicable things is this: why men love the very things we hate - and vice versa. We can not spoil the fun of it - on the contrary. We celebrate the trends that men hate about us. And rightly so!

shoulder pad

At least since this fall, most of us have discovered shoulder pads again for themselves. Because what would a cool Karoblazer be without the masculine form? Right, only half as nice! Men usually see it differently. They want everything - but nothing that has anything to do with the word masculine. It is the game with different silhouettes and shapes, which makes an outfit really stylish and of course also feminine. So please, dear men. Do not get into your shirt right away. We do not steal your manhood already.

Mom Jeans

Also this year the Mom-Jeans accompanied us constantly and everywhere. But in the men's world, the pants are one of the most controversial models under the jeans. The reason: She supposedly makes a "funny ass". At least we have already heard of one or the other partner. Okay, we admit: the cut often makes the butt a little flatter than it actually is. But she makes the stomach slimmer. You just can not have everything - and let's be honest, the look of a mom-jeans fits into certain outfits just like a poke on the eye. And to all the men out there, all we can say is: who does not honor the Mom jeans is not worth the skinny. Or something like that.

6 Men's Fashion Trends Women Hate (June 2024).