5 problems your thyroid could be at fault for

Our thyroid lies just below the larynx and has the job of creating two vital hormones that affect our entire body: heart rate, sweat and sebaceous glands, the gut, and body temperature, for example. But if it does not go so well in our hormone center, the effects are accordingly varied. All the more difficult for the doctor to get rid of the thyroid gland. Here are five problems your thyroid could not be innocent of.

1. To the hair: Hair loss

When you suddenly hold the hair in tufts in your hand, there is usually more to it than the typical normal hair change. Perhaps a thyroid dysfunction is the trigger for hair loss. This can be determined by a blood test. Of course, other factors, such as stress, may be the reason, but you should have the thyroid checked by your doctor.

2. No baby on board? Sexuality and fertility

When pregnancy just does not work, couples often suspect the worst. The causes of a possible infertility are not uncommon in a disorder of the thyroid gland. Both over-functioning (hyperthyroidism) and hypofunction can be to blame for missing the desired child. Fortunately, these disorders are easy to treat.
Incidentally, the loss of libido may be related to hypofunction of the thyroid gland. So if you do not feel like intimacy and sex anymore? make sure to check thyroid!

3. More than just a low mood: depression

You are sad, dejected, apathetic, you do not care, you feel exhausted, tired and it is difficult for you to concentrate? Hypothyroidism can be the reason for your suffering. So go to the doctor and get examined? you do not have to go that way!

4. Endless nights: insomnia

The thyroid is our hormone switch? a malfunction and our complete metabolism gets in trouble. Unfortunately, hypothyroidism has very unspecific symptoms. In doing so, less hormones are formed than needed, which in turn naturally affects our body and psyche. That we then sleep worse, is not surprising. Performance degradation and concentration problems are the result. High time to see the doctor, the condition should last longer.

5. Horror on the scales: weight gain

The lack of thyroid hormone, which occurs in hypothyroidism, almost completely blocks the metabolic processes in our body. No wonder that the weight suddenly rises, although we eat as always. In addition, there is an increased fluid retention between the organs and cells. This also increases the body weight.

If you suffer from one or more of these symptoms, you should not be tormented any longer and prefer to go directly to the family doctor, gynecologist or endocrinologist and have your thyroid gland examined once.

Thyroid problems - most common thyroid problems, symptoms and treatment (May 2024).
