16 things to learn when traveling by train with a baby

The first smile, the first tooth, the first steps: With a baby, we are constantly experiencing premieres. But little is as instructive as the first trip with Deutsche Bahn. ChroniquesDuVasteMonde editor Julia Müller learned that when traveling by train with a baby:

1. Earlier we would rather have ridden from Hamburg to Berlin than to be at the station 40 minutes before departure of the train in order to reach the track in time. But stairs were not insurmountable obstacles.

2. Whether we like it or not, elevators are our new friends.

3.Who has waited 15 minutes for a free elevator, knows: train group travel with bike enjoy great popularity.

4.Backpack beats rolling suitcase.

5.Only because we book a seat in the children's compartment does not mean that we can sit there with our child.

6. The gear of a commercial ECs is far too narrow for a standard stroller.

7.The space in front of the EC train toilet is just big enough to fold the car there and block the way to the rest of the toilet for everyone else.

8.The employee of the Deutsche Bahn explains why this is so: "In the past you did not travel with babies."

9. Nothing breaks the ice with fellow passengers as fast as a little baby.

10. "Girl, five months, sleeps better, sometimes worse." Who wants his peace, should attach a well visible sign with the most important information on the stroller.

11. Of course you can stock up on magazines before the train ride. You can also read in it - if it does not bother you to put it down every two minutes to squeal with a little rubber giraffe.

12.When searching for a train toilet with changing table you have to hold it like Forrest Gump: You never know what you'll get.

13.The likelihood that a person will offer assistance in getting out of the car increases in proportion to the amount of baggage they carry.

14.If the child roars like a skewer upon arrival at the station, it is considered a fabulous idea to retire to a photo booth to breastfeed.

15.Bis you notice that the photo box is video-monitored.

16.This is still better than being stuck in a traffic jam with a baby.

Endless horror or a relaxed alternative to driving a car: what did you experience when traveling by train with a family? And is it doing better elsewhere than in Germany? Tell us your horror stories or sing a song of praise to the web!


Bahnfahren, Reise, Deutsche Bahn, Field report, Hamburg, Berlin, Train driving with Baby, Train, Train driving, Travel, Deutsche Bahn