One Pot Pasta - all from one pot

One Pot Pasta - does it really work?

The principle of One Pot Pasta is as simple as it is ingenious: cook pasta and sauce in the same pot. Sauté vegetables? Drain noodles? Not necessary! Just cut all the raw ingredients into small pieces, put them in the saucepan, add some water and after ten minutes everything is ready to eat. And then you can relax put your feet up, because there is no big washing-up at One Pot Pasta. If you love quick recipes, try One Pot Pasta.

And that really works? And whether! Because the pasta cooks in the sauce, they even suck up really nice with flavor. No wonder One Pot Pasta is known in the US as Wonderpot ...

The idea for One Pot Pasta comes from American TV chef and housewife icon Martha Stewart. Her recipe, originally published as One Pan Pasta, spilled like a wave through the food blogs. In German-speaking countries as well, bloggers have tried Martha Stewart's One Pot Pasta and developed their own recipes for One Pot Pasta. Some blogger ideas we present here today.

Even faster: Pasta from the frying pan

8 One-Pot Pastas (May 2024).

Kitchen, pot, noodles, sauce, simple recipes