Sport: Less is usually more

"Two to three times a week, half an hour of exercise is enough to strengthen your heart, circulation and muscles." Even if you want to be leaner, that's just the right job, "says Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Völker from the Sports Medicine Institute of the University of Münster. And you do not even have to exhaust yourself.

Ran to the fat!

Everyone knows that extra energy is consumed during exercise. From the calorie calculator (if I jog for half an hour, I use 300 calories, then I can ...) have long since adopted fitness experts. Because it depends not only on how much energy is consumed during the sport, but also from which stores this energy is taken. First, the body gets them mostly from its carbohydrate stores. Then he gradually turns on fat burning - and the longer you run, the more fat is burned.

Sport is gentle medicine

Those who do sports regularly strengthen their hearts. The same amount of blood and oxygen can be pumped through the body with less effort - the best protection against circulatory disorders of the coronary arteries! Sport also strengthens the immune system. For example, antibodies that protect against infection are activated. And who has too high cholesterol? The relationship between "bad" LDL cholesterol and "good" HDL cholesterol is enhanced by exercise. The same thing happens with people who are diabetic and start to do sports: the blood sugar level drops.

The psyche is also doing good: Sport is a recognized cure for depression. Anyone who is active feels more comfortable overall, is more balanced and does not lose his calm even in stressful situations. This is because the autonomic nervous system switches and less stress hormones are activated.

Heart rate: measuring devices

If it is enough for you to read your pulse over and over again during exercise (for example, you want to burn fat while exercising) then you are well-served with a standard measuring device (for example Polar Beat, approx. 50 Euro). The entry-level models have the advantage that they can be set relatively quickly and easily without much effort.

For more complex heart rate monitors, you can enter your upper and lower heart rate limits. As soon as you are too fast or too slow, an alarm will sound. If you do not feel like sticking to your optimal pulse rate, simply turn off the signal. All this, including a normal watch, for example, the Fitwatch for about 80 €.

The latest are gauges that independently find out your personal heart rate training zone. This can vary greatly depending on the form of the day. During the approximately ten-minute warm-up phase, the minicomputer evaluates all data at lightning speed and determines your optimal training pulse depending on the fitness state and the form of the day. You are also in control during the training: As soon as you are too fast or too slow, your electronic trainer sends alarm signals (Smart Edge, approx. 150 Euro).

Pulsmessen: That's how it works

A heart rate monitor can constantly monitor your heart rate. This has the advantage that during the sport you do not have to take a break to feel for the pulse. The heart rate monitor even measures ECG accurate. You are wearing a chest strap with a transmitter that picks up your heartbeat and sends it to the receiver on the wrist. A digital display informs about the current pulse rate per minute. Meanwhile, the market offers a wide range of different models: from the low-priced standard meter to the minicomputer with electronic training control.

Sport is only beneficial as a gentle medicine if you slow down your workout. It is important that you find your own personal measure. Who exaggerates, only harms himself. An overdose not only leads directly into the power loss, also the health suffers. They get tired faster, injure themselves more frequently and have concentration problems.

How much exercise is enough?

But how do you know how much fitness training is right for you? Pay particular attention to your body! It clearly indicates to you whether you are optimally burdened or already overwhelmed. You have found your measure when you're doing well in sports, when you breathe a little faster, but still, and when your movements are safe and precise. Anyone who cares too much, quickly becomes unfocused during the training, only gasps through the mouth and then is exhausted and dog-tired. Mostly muscles and joints hurt too.

When will fat be broken down?

If you do not quite trust your body and prefer to play it safe then simply check your pulse during your workout. Most recreational athletes train too much, they reach far too high pulse values.Our table shows in which pulse zone you are specifically doing something for your health and when to break down fat the fastest.

If you are a beginner, work best in the range between 50 and 60 percent of the maximum heart rate (purple zone). If you want to lose weight, you should get a heart rate of 60 to 70 percent (green zone). For example, if you are 30 years old, fat burning works best at 115 to 135 beats per minute. If you have a pulse of over 135 then you have to switch back. For pure fitness training, a pulse of 140 to 160 would still be okay, but not the best for the figure.

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Maximum output, Münster, energy consumption, calories