Underwear label exchanges clothes sizes for compliments

Big, small, fat, thin, unsportsmanlike or muscular? the British label New Moon stops with the drawer thinking and the labeling. It's about the woman, about her body and the unimportance of dress sizes.

You're a woman, so you look great - that's the message of the underwear brand. And no woman should be defined by the number on the label or excluded or stigmatized. On the contrary! How does New Moon manage that? The numbers on the labels are simply replaced by compliments. Instead of size, you will find words like "georgeous", "lovely" or "beautiful" on the labels of the duds.

No one has to feel bad, because he has a size beyond the 36. But just as little will? as is often the case with plus size brands? the slim women excluded. The brand manages to put the woman in focus. Confident and unadorned beautiful without exerting pressure or putting one group too much in the spotlight, so that another one gets sidelined. Super made, more than at the time and also the Instagram account exudes a dose of self-confidence. See for yourself:

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Black launching at midnight tonight GMT. Photographer: Yasmin Benamar

A post shared by Neon Moon (@neonmoonco) on Mar 24, 2016 at 1:18 am PDT

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#NeonMoonCelebrateYou models, Essie and Rebecca! We'll be showcasing more of their absolutely stunning looks in our Neon Moon lingerie all this week! Stay tuned for their Q & As ?? Photographer: Yasmin Benamar

A post shared by Neon Moon (@neonmoonco) on Mar 7, 2016 at 1:03 pm PST

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Pledge to celebrate every inch of your body. Pledge to celebrate the feeling of your weight on a mattress, how your arms flex as you open doors, the soft dents in your legs and hardness of your bones. Every inch of your body is perfect. Every move is make a gift. ??

A post shared by Neon Moon (@neonmoonco) on Mar 26, 2016 at 2:59 pm PDT

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Best friends are so important. They are there when you need them, they love you unconditionally and understand exactly what's going on at all times! Show your bestie some love and appreciation with 1 compliment ?? Let's get our besties blushing and celebrate them! #NeonMoonCelebrateYou

A post shared by Neon Moon (@neonmoonco) on Mar 2, 2016 at 1:14 am PST


Dress size, compliment, dress sizes, big bust, new moon, bra