Life-threatening electrocution: IKEA lamp costs Maya (2) almost the life

It is one of the most popular products at IKEA and hangs in countless children's rooms: the pink flower lamp? Smila Blomma ?. But as beautiful as the home accessory is, it can be so dangerous - the little Maya Sophie (2) almost killed it.


A bang, then screams, finally intensive care

In the summer, Martina and Pascal Hildebrand bought the flower lamp for their daughter in an IKEA house in the Netherlands. It is especially suitable for children and tested by the TÜV. As Maya, however, later reaches for the lamp, she gets a violent electric shock. "There was a mad sound that could be heard throughout the apartment, our daughter was screaming, and when we ran to her, she was very convulsive.", tells her mother in conversation with 'picture'.

The two-year-old is immediately taken to the hospital with blue light and transferred to the intensive care unit. Miraculously, the little girl survives: "The doctors said we were incredibly lucky because the current only went through part of the body and it did not burn."

The parents finally turn to the group? and he asks her to send in the lamp. After much back and forth, IKEA ultimately reimburses the family for the purchase price of around 7.99 euros. An explanation? Wrong! Martina and Pascal are outraged by this behavior: "We did not hear anything about the lamp and why our daughter was in mortal danger, it's not about dealing with such a serious topic."

The lamp already killed a child - another just barely survived

The two have now turned to a lawyer, who is to clear up the case and pain and suffering for the little Maya Sophie, who has panic fear of lamps since the incident demands. The lawyer should also check whether a lawsuit in the US is possible.

Because: In 2013 there was already a recall campaign in the USA for the flower lamp. A 16-month-old baby had caught in the power cord and stifled. And that was not the first case. Another 15-month-old baby had also strangled, but barely survived.

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IKEA, Electric shock, Netherlands, TUV