Nice to see how this newly minted mother stands by her body!

Ungeschönt and just really. And as if that were not alone and courageous enough, she also writes very warm words on Instagram:

"New favorite moments with a new favorite body that sometimes hurts and where nothing is back in its place, but which can and has done the very best - delivering and giving birth to our baby - Crazy Shit - Superdad and Best Mac? N? cheese chef. "

There can not be enough contributions to celebrate real women with real bodies and appreciate what they have done. Studies show that many women press too quickly after pregnancy to regain their old figure as soon as possible. One should accept a fact quite calmly: He will never be the same body as before. But he will not be worse either. He has done something incredible: let a small human being grow and grow. And given him life.

Thanks Anna, for the reminder. The courage and the beautiful picture of you and Baby Vada.

Who is Anna? That's what she says about herself:

I'm 34, actress, (but I'll start working again in April) and live in Hamburg. The father of little Vada Elektra Grace is called Victor, is also 34 and photographer. Also belong to the family the two big sons of my friend, 11 and 12, my mom who lives on the 1st floor (we in the 5th, the perfect distance) and our cat Sissi.

Incidentally, while all the other magazines always came and went, ChroniquesDuVasteMonde (now ChroniquesDuVasteMonde Woman) is the only constant in my life: my mother has been a faithful reader for as long as I can remember (and thus somehow).
By the way: Maybe I should say that I hate these fitness post-partum body pics. Seriously, who needs that?

Greetings, Anna