Who is the dream woman of the Germans? It is NOT Helene Fischer ...

Great figure, great smile, a smart way - there are women who just have everything. The market research company Mafo has asked a good 1100 men and women in Germany: Who is THE dream woman for you? The surprise: Schlager singer Helene Fischer ends up in only 8th place in the ranking. Right up front is another lady, model and presenter Lena Gercke. The first "Germany's Next Top Model" winner is particularly sought after by younger men between the ages of 18 and 30, and also holds first place in the overall ranking with 16.7 percent.

The top ten dream women

  1. Lena Gercke 16.7%
  2. Nora Tschirner 12.9%
  3. Vanessa May 12.7%
  4. Rebecca Mir 11.7%
  5. Alexandra Neldel 11.5%
  6. Lena Meyer-Landrut 10.5%
  7. Diane Kruger 10.4%
  8. Helene Fischer 10.4%
  9. Barbara Schöneberger 10.3%
  10. Collies elm Fernandes 9.1%

Looking only at the voting of older men (over 46), by the way, actress Maria Furtwängler is right up front, close behind Iris Berben and Barbara Schöneberger.

Video Recommendation:

Andrea Bocelli & Helene Fischer - When I Fall In Love (Live 2012) (May 2024).

Dream Woman, Lena Gercke, Helene Fischer, Germany