Uncovered! That's what makes us sick when reading in the car

A trip to the vacation does not always start as hoped. Often the approach is accompanied by travel sickness, which is called kinetosis in professional circles. Especially when reading in the car, many people are bad. But why is that so?

Why do we feel sick when driving?

Our brain constantly processes sensory impressions, registering how the joints are and whether they are moving. The information comes from the most diverse regions of our body: the sense of balance, for example, lies in the inner ear and sends signals to the brain. In addition, of course, our eyes, so the sense of sight, play a major role. If the information of the senses does not match, the body reacts with dizziness and nausea.

Specifically, when reading in the car, the eyes send the signal of standstill, the sense of balance, however, indicates movement. This contradiction can not be processed by our brain. By the way, we'll be seasick for the same reason. The rocking of the boat completely upsets our brain.

Relieve travel sickness? that's how it's done

A small consolation for those afflicted with motion sickness: you can train the organ of balance, for example in flight simulators. Those who want to avoid training can do little things to relieve nausea. In the car, the book should be put away and best the place next to the driver to be taken. On a ship, a point on the horizon must be fixed, the same is true in the plane, so that relaxes the eye? and also the stomach comes to rest.

In addition, you should have on the way light food and snacks in the form of pretzels, rusk and light pastries. And chewing gum and sweets can also help relieve nausea. By the way, instead of books, a nice playlist on your mobile phone is a good option to distract yourself from the monotonous ride. So no nausea comes on.

My Mom Read My Darkest Secret In My Diary (April 2024).

Car, motion sickness