Trend Nacktyoga: "Go on, make me Hercules!"

A room full of naked people. Everyone is looking at a middle-aged gentleman. Even with him, I see things that I would rather have remained hidden. Oh God, did I end up in the wrong room in a bizarre porn shoot? Oh no, it's just nude yoga. Everyone does their exercises here on the instruction of the teacher. No matter where I look I see penises, breasts, vaginas and buttocks. So much nakedness you can only see in the sexy clips on DSF. What comes to my mind again: I too am naked. Quickly I look right and left and notice, it does not interest the participants as I look naked.

Being naked is part of life

So, or something like that I imagine a course in Nacktyoga. All are as God created them and feel comfortable in their bodies. Last year on a short break at the North Sea I went for a relaxed walk on the beach and did not even notice how I had walked into the nudist area of ​​the beach. Where do you look, that it will not be embarrassing. Looking at the body of the tourists felt wrong to me and ashamed to look at the ground was also somehow inappropriate. In hindsight somehow funny. Being naked is normal and part of life. After all, even the ancient Greeks did not care for the sport. At the Olympic Games of ancient times, all participants were naked. Only the women wore a tunic, with their right breast free. Such a handsome, naked Hercules certainly enjoyed the women back then. But doing naked sports with strangers in a room today is rather strange. One of the reasons is certainly our education. Being naked in public is not part of the game and, as you know, is punished directly. So these are our norms. Another reason is certainly the unrealistic body ideals that are shown by the advertising.

Without clothes, everyone is the same

At the beginning of the nude yoga, it was rather gay men who did their exercises together. For women at the beginning is only dissuasive when only penises are around a rum to see. New Yorker Isis Phoenix has paved the way to women's nude yoga by opening her own studio, the "Phoenix Temple". Here yoga is offered in mixed courses. Men and women naked next to each other and without greedy eyes or an oversexualized mood. After all, it's about yourself and your own body feeling. The New York journalist Annemarie Conte has tried the nude yoga and found it very pleasant: "Although you are aware of your own nudity, but does not feel uncomfortable, but freed.?

Naked yoga for a better body feeling

Yoga teachers are convinced that being naked is better for the body and the asanas, the individual yoga postures, are so much more effective. Without clothes, there is no uncomfortable pinching in exercises like "the tree". or? the dog looking down ?. In addition, the energy flows so much easier through the body and the lymphatic system is better supplied with blood. The yogis in Tibet show it and only wear light clothing without underwear. If you already do yoga, you can try it naked. Does not have to be in a full course right now. First try in the living room and possibly get to know your own body again.

Would You Exercise Naked? (May 2024).