The truth is: being a parent is sometimes boring

Dear moms, you love to play Bear Mama for three straight hours, raise 10 cheeky kilos 500 times in a row, or build the 7,000th Lego Dino Enclosure: you're wonderful! You've earned medals, medals, 5-course menus, and a date with Sam Claflin. At this point, you can put this text aside and sit back complacently. To all of you, I would like to say here and today: You are not alone in your opinion. The truth is: mom (and also daddy) is annoying sometimes. Because between all the wonderful, heartwarming, beautiful, enthralling and sometimes nerve-wracking moments, it's often boring - you can not just polite it - terribly boring.

What is exciting for children, I do not have to find exciting

Sometimes, when I'm sitting on the floor with my son and looking for the right leg parts for his underwater boat with an integrated lion cage, do I start? without wanting it? to yawn. Like a lead robe, this paralyzing boredom lays over me, which I am already stacking from building bricks, playing cuckoo and honestly also know about breastfeeding. Even heavier than boredom weighs the same time starting bad conscience. Am I a raven mother? Would I just have to be more creative? Grateful? Open-minded? Would I enjoy doing the same again and again? "No," says Dr. Alexandra Sacks in her book "What No One Tells You: A Guide to Your Emotions from Pregnancy to Motherhood", which unfortunately only appears in English in April. Their explanation: Many things that a person with limited cognitive abilities finds exciting, are de facto simply boring for an adult.

Not only is playing too little in the long term

To be perfectly honest, the cuckoo play syndrome is only part of the parental boredom. In fact, the parent who stays completely at home in the first year is a bit bored overall. Not that there is nothing to do with a baby, let's not come, but the tasks are often so dull and the conversation with the little one still a bit too one-sided to deliver the necessary daily input. Then the conversations with other parents ... As informative as the exchange of experiences about the type of diaper, carrot spots and tooth globules may be, at some point he tires even the hardest among us.

The mobile is not a solution either

No, the secret look at the smartphone is in the end no solution. The truth is: there is no solution. Probably we'll just have to go through there in the end. Let's just see the most boring moments with our little ones as our private, very warm, cute and happy meditation class. And let's just say it as it is: there are those wonderful fulfilling WOW moments with our kids. And then there are the others. Those in which we like to crack our brains on the tabletop and fall asleep immediately. That is OK. Being a parent is sometimes just boring.

Sometimes being a stay at home mom is boring. (May 2024).

Parenting, boredom, honesty