• June 28, 2024

The other lovers: 5 Toys for the passion!

Masturbation is healthy and releases endorphins: the Ucino is particularly easy to insert and massages the G-spot as few men can manage. Another advantage: Before surprising visitors you can spend the vibrator as a water pistol.

Looks like an asthma device, but brings orgasms, of which women, the air stays away.

Of course, the best toys are your fingers. The massage oil only ensures that everything slides and smells better. The scents of rose, cinnamon and the patchouli plant are particularly seductive.

Strictly speaking, the love balls are not a sex toy. Rather a fitness device that suits you both. The pelvic floor training with the colorful balls improves your orgasm and creates a closer feeling for him.

For advanced: From the back door! The anus is a particularly sensitive erogenous zone. With the anal chain you can grope slowly.

Often you do not really know what you are missing. How convenient that Christmas is coming soon. 24 days of inspiration for sex life is the advent calendar of Amorelie.

Photos: Amorelie, Cowshed

Lamborghini Real Lover (June 2024).