The Long Breath of Nina Jäckle

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Japan after the tsunami, after the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. A man and his wife were not there when the sea devoured their homes and relatives. They return to a contaminated country. The man, formerly a phantom graphic artist, reconstructs the faces of the dead on the basis of photos of disfigured tsunami victims. "The Long Breath" tells of his desperate attempt to heal the world with each drawing. However, people who could not be evacuated from the nursing home live incarcerated and are now a threat to their caregivers. And children who are not allowed to stir up dust while playing. There is a silence between man and woman that the woman at the end can no longer bear. Nina Jäckle, however, has been able to oppose the speechlessness of a narrow novel that tells much more than all the misfortune messages from the news. (176 p., 19 Euro, Klöpfer & Meyer)

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Book tip, tsunami, Japan, Fukushima, book tip, Nina Jäckle, the long breath