? The color choice is really the blast? ? I can not paint

Now and then it overcomes me. Then I think, maybe the 4 in the art class at that time was completely unjustified and deep inside there is an artist in me. And then I buy the whole set: colors, a canvas, brush? the material should not fail the project? and go. The result is then, well, let's be honest: very bleak. Like putting a paintbrush in the hands of a four-year-old and telling him to paint the Mona Lisa. I lack any understanding of shapes and colors. I've never had that before. But instead of admitting that my strengths lie elsewhere, there is this hope that one day I'll be one of those creative superwomen who just once on an afternoon, splashing the madness of the living room on the screen.

Next time it will work out!

Then, l complained to a friend of my grief. "How, you can not paint?!" She said. That does not exist! Everyone can paint. You probably did not have the right instructions yet !? She invited me to her "creative group". These are five women who meet every two months and do really good things with lots of red wine and laughter.

? Murals? was the theme of the evening. Each of us had brought a photo, a postcard or an expression that we wanted to paint on a larger scale on an MDF board. "Can anyone paint?" My girlfriend said enthusiastically. That will be great !? I had an easy task, as I thought: a comic picture of a lion against a pink background. But even when I tried to transfer his form with a pencil on the plate, it turned out: No, painting yourself is not for everyone. The lion looked like a guinea pig who had been playing at the socket too long. And I only made it worse with every passing minute. While the others reached for the brush with cheeks flushed with happiness, to artistically paint their pictures, I already said: Oh, oh, for me this will not have a happy ending.

Hope dies last

Did not have it then. Two hours later, with very sympathetic eyes, the five superwomen stood around me and said phrases like, "For starters, is that pretty? or "interesting approach!" or? The color choice is really the banger.? There really was not much more positive to say. Art and me? we will probably never meet. Adieu, you beautiful hope.

Yesterday my girlfriend called me again. "We want to take a photo with the creative group next week. Are you in?? "Sure!" I replied immediately. Who knows, maybe there's an undiscovered talent somewhere in me. I just have to find it.

BobBlast 238 - "Let's Paint Something Today." (May 2024).