The Chancellor's Kimono - why Angela Merkel loves this cult part so much

We already know that Angela Merkel likes to wear the same outfit on official occasions. Nevertheless, the Chancellor's outfit caused a stir at the 2014 Salzburg Festival. There she wore a colorful silk kimono, which was said to have been a proud 18 years old! The testify photos that show a visibly younger Angela Merkel many years ago in the same kimono.

"What is the excitement?", We ask ourselves - is nice, if you have favorite pieces in the wardrobe, which you always like to perform. Even more so if they are vintage pieces that are experiencing a fashion revival. Just like the kimono of the Chancellor!

2017: Comeback for the cult kimono

Incidentally, the iconic silk kimono will experience a renewed comeback in Salzburg in 2017: Merkel relies on the tried and tested and celebrates the 20-year-old of her favorite piece on the red carpet:

Also read

Courage to color! Chancellor wears cult kimono at Salzburg Festival

United States News - Maurice M. Taylor Jr., Medicare, Angela Merkel, Chinese military (April 2024).

Angela Merkel, Kimono, Festival, Bayreuth Festival, Kimono, Kimono Jacket, Kimono Jacket, Kimono Shirt, Angela Merkel Kimono