So you get cheap new clothes

When Youtube stars such as Madame Tamtam, Ema Louise, or Patrizia Palme present the yield of their shopping expeditions in "Haul" videos, thousands watch spellbound. It's also fun to spend hours running through the shops or clicking through the online shops and really hit it. But who after such a shopping tour louder packed bags home drags (in English is called "to haul"), which not only gives tidy money, but also strains his eco-balance. The fact that fast fashion pollutes the environment is likely to have spread around. Instead of the senseless shopping noise on Highstreet, more and more bloggers and youtubers are now turning to "Haulternatives". Here are four ways to get new, inspiring outfits without having to dig deep into your pocket.

1. Borrow

Would not it be great if you could borrow clothes as easily as a book from the library? That's what the two Hamburg women Pola Fendel and Thekla Wilkening wondered about and founded the clothing in 2012. Her fashion library started with a shop on St. Pauli, meanwhile you can borrow all over Germany online: With a subscription (34 Euro per month) you get access to a "neverending wardrobe". Each month you can choose four parts, the new favorite clothes on time are then sent by parcel - and can be exchanged after four weeks. In addition to chic second-hand items, the clothing collection also includes many designs by local designers such as Musswessels, Irina Rohpeter and Lies in Layers.

2. swapping

Blogger Kim by Kim Goes Öko makes it clear: You can be terrifically well dressed without shopping at the usual fast-fashion suspects. The Mainzerin not only puts on second-hand fashion Thrift shops, but also exchanges many clothes. The principle is simple: what the one has not worn for a long time can make the other happy. So, knock out your closet and organize swap parties with your girls! Or look around for official exchange events near you. Greenpeace has also organized dress swap parties throughout Germany.

3. Buy secondhand

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Clothes, fuss, youtube, shopping, swap, thrift, rent, upcycling