She is open to her weaknesses

Rita Ora (28, "Anywhere") made her breakthrough in 2012 with her debut album "Ora". Since then, she has not only been proud to go through the world, she has now revealed in a truly unencumbered interview with the "Love" magazine.

She is "always nervous" and "never happy with herself," she says in the video interview, in which she not only unravels her feelings, but also gets rid of her dress. The singer always has the feeling that she wants to give more and work more. The incentive does not come from somewhere. She sees herself above all in the service of her fans: "I want to do a good job, I want to give people what they want, I want to entertain them and get people out of the problems they might have that day. "

Women Always Test For Strength & Weakness (May 2024).

Rita Ora, debut album, Rita Ora