"I do not buy anything" - happy by abstaining from consumption

The Viennese Nunu Kaller sewed and knitted for one year instead of buying.

© Elisabeth Mondl

The trousers for 15 euros, the fifth turquoise top, the boots on special offer - for Nunu Kaller, shopping was a kind of therapy when she was feeling sick. Until she realized at some point: It can not go on like this. For a year, the 32-year-old has renounced shopping and reported on the self-experiment in her blog, now she has published a book entitled "I buy nothing". From mid-January, Nunu Kaller will work as a consumer spokesperson for Greenpeace in Austria and accompany her detox campaign. In keeping with the international buy-nothing day on November 30, she has told us how she was happy by giving up.

ChroniquesDuVasteMonde: What did you buy last?

Nunu Kaller: A sweater that I've been creeping around for a long time. I had already caught his eye when I was not allowed to shop. Two months ago I did it myself, an upcycling piece for about 60 euros.

November 30th is buy-nix-day. Join us?

Basically, I've been there for a long time. I will definitely try to consume nothing that day. It's a good idea to remember that you do not have to spend money every day.

How hard would you have fallen for a shopping-nix-day before your one-year shopping-diet?

The one day would probably not have been a problem. It was not like I bought permanently. I was not dependent but on my way there. My account was always reasonably under control, but I was shopping for the wrong reasons: not because I needed something new, but to comfort, reward or distract myself.

What did the shopping give you?

It's generally proven that a consumer experience triggers something in one. This happiness hormones are distributed, you get a kick. But like any addiction, the more you go looking for it, the weaker it gets.

Nunu Kaller: "It's possible to consume differently, all you have to do is look for the alternatives."

© Florian Simon / private

And how is it today: Does shopping make you happy?

Yes, even more than before. Because now I buy much more consciously and less often.

Would you say that you have become freer through this year of resignation?

It was a kind of break for me. What surprised me: The topic "I have nothing to wear" did not exist. I knew for a fact that I only got the things out of my closet that I can combine with each other - nothing more. That was amazingly relaxing. In retrospect, the year was even easier than what came afterwards. I am now trying to consume critically and consciously. Since you are faced with massive research and make you think much more: Where does the part come from? Do I need that? Fits me? But this research is worth it, you can find really great products and projects. In the end, I had a lot of fun as well.

That is often the problem: although we are informed about the many negative aspects of the textile industry, it is difficult for us to change our own purchasing behavior.

That was the same with me. I've always been committed, for example, I prefer to cycle by car rather than by car, and for a long time have been buying almost exclusively organic fruit and vegetables. But on the subject of clothing, I have completely hidden everything. Since the optics and the desire for satisfaction were more important to me. In hindsight, I can no longer understand myself. Conventional textile production is an area where terrible things are going wrong, from pesticide use on cotton fields to terrible working conditions in many countries. It is possible to consume differently. There are alternatives, you just have to look for them.

Which alternatives are that? And do you really keep that up?

I have not become a radical eco and still enjoy fashion. But apart from a conventionally produced pair of trousers, I've only bought clothes that are organic and fair since my resignation. It's difficult with pants because I'm tall and I wear size 44. The only pants in organic quality, which I would have liked then, were not affordable for me. Unfortunately, the price argument was decisive, in other cases I do not let that apply. Because I buy a lot less, I can now invest in a good part every few months. In addition, I'm very much on exchange parties, because I get great clothes for free, the others do not like.

Would you recommend the complete shopping waiver?

For me it was the best decision. I do not know if I should recommend it to other people, everyone has to decide for themselves.One does a good job of figuring out how much she actually spends on clothes - and then getting on the brakes. For others it is enough to set a budget. Still others do not need time out, they are switching their shopping behavior directly because of events in Bangladesh and other producing countries. For example, many of my friends do not buy much anyway, they now want to see how they can dress better, so organic and fair. It does not always have to be a break.

In your time off, you also discovered doing it yourself. Shopping was prohibited, but sewing and knitting allowed. What is the nice thing about it?

When you walk out of the door with a sweater you made yourself and receive compliments, you feel your own special pride. That just makes you happy.

In your book you also write about an idea called "knitting film" - what exactly is that?

There is an old cinema in Vienna, the Breitenseer Lichtspiele, in which on certain evenings (once or twice a month) the light is only dimmed in the evening. So you can watch a movie and see what you are knitting at the same time. It's so nice to sit and knit - and it clings all around you. Without the shopping diet I would never have met.

Nunu Kaller's new shopping rules:

Purchase (nil) Rule No. 1

Buy nothing, just because it's on sale. Above all, do not buy it if you did not buy it for the full price.

Purchase (nil) Rule No. 2

Do not buy anything you do not try on before.

Purchase (nil) Rule No. 3

Do not buy anything that does not suit you at the exact moment when you buy it. Nothing with "pants to shrink".

Purchase (nos) Rule No. 4

Buy nothing if you do not have at least two parts at home that fit.

Purchase (nos) Rule No. 5

Buy nothing in which you do not feel right at home.

Purchase (nix) Rule No. 6

Do not buy anything that's in just because it's in. Buy it because it is "magical".

Purchase (nil) Rule No. 7

If possible: purchase regional.

The book

"I do not buy anything - how I became happy through shopping diet" has been published as a paperback in KiWi-Verlag and costs 8.99 euros. Here you can order it online.

I Quit Coffee for a Month, See What Happened to My Body (May 2024).

Clothes, Greenpeace, Austria, Consumption, Waiver, Shopping, Nunu Kaller, Fashion