The best kids sayings! For (expectant) parents with humor

Children rocking!

Are we honest? The inner child is sometimes as loud as our own. But a perfect? ​​Adult? Mother has never fallen from the sky? or? Our kids challenge us every day for new things. Whether you are in kindergarten or as a teenager, our kids surprise and delight us. It never gets boring - that is proven by the sayings about children.

Proverbs about children tell the truth!

"Children give a lot back. Wrapping paper for example? Is one of the most popular sayings about children in our collection. Of course our kids give us a lot more back. And that makes up for everything. Ok, with dark circles and laundry mountains the love of children does not help directly. But good for karma is it's all!

Not just children's sayings: more pictures, quotes and sayings?

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FUNNY KID SAYINGS! Jackson's Funniest Sentences Throughout His Life (May 2024).

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